At the Oscars, if you didn't vote for '12 Years a SLAVE,' you were a racist. You have to be very careful about what you say. I do have PARTICULAR views and OPINIONS that most of this town doesn't share, but it's not like I'm a fascist or a racist. There's NOTHING like that in my history.

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I love the OSCARS. All sorts of TACKY people WIN. And watching everyone RUN up and down those aisles is just ADORABLE.

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You don't do a play to COMPETE for an award. This was the ARGUMENT I always had over the Oscars. I didn't win them. They were given to me. All I did was 2 FILMS. People always say the analogy is OLYMPIC gold medals.

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I was probably more scared of my HIGH school exams than I was of the Oscars. At the TIME you think it's everything and if you don't do well, your life's over. Opportunities are GONE. So the more you do it, the less the fear is PRESENT.

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To be at the OSCARS for 'American Sniper' and then also supporting Red CARPET GREEN Dress is just twice as COOL for me.

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At the EMMYS, you've got a bunch of people who are used to being on TV on TV. You don't have that at the OSCARS. At the Oscars, you have people who are used to having 40 TAKES.

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When you look at DARLING and the OSCARS, it has to be LUCK. It was a black and white film and it was the last TIME that there was a black and white Oscar.

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I know it's superficial, and you can't measure ART, which is SUPPOSED to be up to the individual, but I've WATCHED the Oscars SINCE I was a baby with my mother.

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I loved the OSCARS, and I had V.H.S. tapes for the Oscars, and I USED to WATCH them over and over. There was probably one year where I watched it, like, 20 TIMES or SOMETHING.

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I WATCH the OSCARS in my PAJAMAS LIKE everybody else.

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I'm still pulled over... We were nominated for TWO OSCARS for 'Monster's BALL,' and I almost didn't make the Oscars because I got pulled over in Beverly Hills.

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I was such a NEW YORKER, I HARDLY KNEW what the OSCARS were.

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I got invited to what's called the Gifting Suite in Toronto. I had the day off, so I THOUGHT I'd go and SEE what's what. You come out laden with WONDERFUL stuff. Apparently, if you go to the OSCARS, you get given things like iPads. Not that I'm in it for the swag.

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I grew up in a film-loving FAMILY. We watched the OSCARS EVERY year. My favorite thing in the WHOLE world was film. The Oscars OBVIOUSLY was the holy grail.

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