The reason to retire is to TRY to avoid EMBARRASSMENT; you ought to do it before people are dropping big hints. You want to be the first to COME up with the idea. You don't want to wait until you trip and FALL off the STAGE.

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The Bush tax cuts, they OUGHT to be MADE PERMANENT in my mind so there is certainty out there.

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I'm a FIRM BELIEVER that if you are not on the team, you ought not have input on who the quarterback is going to be.

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To ascertain the Lord's will, we ought to USE scriptural means. Prayer, the word of God, and His SPIRIT should be united together. We should go to the Lord repeatedly in prayer, and ask Him to TEACH us by His Spirit through His word.

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A WISE MAN SEES as MUCH as he OUGHT, not as much as he can.

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The Eskimos had fifty-two NAMES for snow because it was IMPORTANT to them: there OUGHT to be as many for LOVE.

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There are two good rules which ought to be WRITTEN on every HEART - never to BELIEVE anything BAD about anybody unless you positively KNOW it to be true; never to tell even that unless you feel that it is absolutely necessary, and that God is listening.

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LOVE MAY be or it may not, but where it is, it OUGHT to REVEAL itself in its IMMENSITY.

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Good ADVICE is one of those injuries which a good man OUGHT, if POSSIBLE, to forgive, but at all events to FORGET at once.

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One ought to begin an analysis of POWER from the ground up, at the LEVEL of TINY local events where battles are unwittingly enacted by players who don't KNOW what they are doing.

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Learned INSTITUTIONS ought to be favorite OBJECTS with EVERY FREE people. They throw that light over the public mind which is the best security against crafty and dangerous encroachments on the public liberty.

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The child of three or four is saturated with ADULT rules. His UNIVERSE is dominated by the IDEA that things are as they ought to be, that everyone's actions conform to laws that are both physical and MORAL - in a word, that there is a Universal Order.

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To endure is the FIRST thing that a child ought to LEARN, and that which he will have the most NEED to KNOW.

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If they are going to have WAR, they OUGHT to take the old men and leave the YOUNG to propagate the RACE.

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I'm not that COMFORTABLE with actors receiving honours, partly because I think they OUGHT to GO to those who really HELP others.

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