Delaying and withholding TACTICS, red herrings, partial and doubtful outcomes are STOCK in TRADE for fiction WRITERS, especially CRIME writers.

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I went to Sundance Labs, and I definitely watched my MALE PEERS from there have very different meetings than I was having, very different outcomes. You could tell there was a feeling that a young male DIRECTOR had this exciting POTENTIAL and a young FEMALE director was risky.

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LOUSY, ineffective actions lead to lousy outcomes. TERRIFIC, EFFECTIVE actions lead to terrific outcomes.

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Allowing staff to DICTATE frameworks and policy outcomes without APPROPRIATE checks by elected LEADERS has corrosive EFFECTS.

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We have COME a long way in terms of EQUALITY for every race, sex and CREED in this nation. We STILL have a ways to go to before we are there for everyone, but we must FIND peaceful and meaningful solutions that offer positive outcomes for all.

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There is no such thing as a BAD cop, only DISTURBING and DOMINANT cop thinking that will invariably lead to excessive force and tragic OUTCOMES.

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In REALITY, anyone can CALL themselves a conservative. There is no secret handshake or WRITTEN test to prove your bona fides. But the true conservative reaches outcomes by respecting and heeding to well-developed, sound PRINCIPLES.

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Skilling is one area where some researchers are looking at OUTCOMES and finding that while there are lots of people who are joining and completing skilling programmes, it is not GETTING fully translated into getting and KEEPING jobs. We need to understand how to fix this problem. The RETURNS to having high quality skills are very high.

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