I had this idea that being an introvert was a negative thing, that it had a negative connotation, and I REALLY wanted, as a YOUNG PERSON, to STRIVE to be the life of the party and to be really outgoing and to have a million FRIENDS. And then I realized that an introvert isn't a negative.

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I'm probably LESS volatile and tempestuous than a lot of Aries, but I think I'm probably QUITE loud and outgoing and PASSIONATE. Maybe a BIT difficult or stubborn.

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I was a CONFIDENT, outgoing little boy. If you're an only child, you're living in a very linguistically adult WORLD, and you've got to KEEP up. So I did. Maybe I was slightly annoying.

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My DAD is the OPPOSITE of me. He's so outgoing and so LOUD.

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I've always been an outgoing GUY. But I KNOW as an athlete, I have an obligation to be a ROLE model.

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I can see how Americans misconstrue BRITISH reserve, and I can see how British people misconstrue American enthusiasm. I think I'm SOMEWHERE in between the two. Although I'm outgoing, I'm ALSO very PRIVATE.

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Off-screen, I am the most outgoing and FRIENDLY PERSON.

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Something I WORKED very hard on, especially last YEAR, was being more outgoing on the COURT: recognising good points I'd played and TRUSTING myself and my SKILLS on the court. The fist pumps weren't necessarily to let my opponent know I was here, more to let myself know that I'm here.

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I'm an outgoing person. Once my PARENTS passed AWAY, it was just my daughter and myself. So, REALLY, my friends are my FAMILY.

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I don't perform well in private. Socially, I mean. And I didn't as a CHILD. Actors aren't NECESSARILY outgoing, are they?

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