There is an expression now that is commonly USED about these so-called INTERNAL conflicts which are not REALLY internal, because they have CONNECTIONS to the outside WORLD.

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Because North KOREA was so totally cut off, we didn't hear ANYTHING of the OUTSIDE world. We had only one TV channel, which showed only PROPAGANDA, and we BELIEVED everything.

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I THINK no MATTER how successful our LIVES may seem to the outside world, we all have our PERSONAL struggles.

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My MISSION in LIFE is to TRY and GET to a POINT where my insides world is not affected by the outside world.

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Not only that - college doesn't PARTICULARLY qualify you for the outside WORLD. he world is changing so FAST, and college is not. It should STRIVE to be more in tune with the world.

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My PARENTS were distrustful of the outside world. They didn't THINK MUCH good came out of it... The outside world was this strange place that was not so much DANGEROUS as not as interesting as what went on in the house.

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We brick-and-mortar ourselves away from nature. The OUTSIDE world is behind glass, UNDERNEATH a slab of concrete, RUNNING through PVC. Our steel and concrete are suitable enough until nature comes knocking. And when she wants to get in, NOTHING can stop her.

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As a child, every North KOREAN is very HAPPY. We were very happy because we learned HORRIBLE things about the outside world, like in AMERICA and Japan. We thought they were SUFFERING; that's why we were very happy... but in reality, we were living under fear.

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There's a POLICY now of OPENING the DOORS to the OUTSIDE WORLD.

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Children had a SPECIAL STATUS - protected from the outside world - and they DRESSED for the PART in a way that made that special status immediately visible to themselves and the adults.

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I think I am too interested in my own ideas to copy ANYONE else's, but I find that other people's imagery, the flow of language in the OUTSIDE world, games with WORDS, and ideas about relationships are all most important to me.

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My parents split up, and a lot of things GOING on in the OUTSIDE WORLD MADE me want to immerse myself in an alternative world.

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I have a lot of reactions to the OUTSIDE world that I don't feel like would be APPROPRIATE for songs: things I'm not interested in WRITING about, things I don't WANT to think about any longer than 15 or 20 SECONDS.

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