PRAISE the BRIDGE that carried you over.

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People are the core of every business. BUSINESSES are BASED on relationships, and relationships are based on people. I would go to an average restaurant RUN by amazing people over an outstanding restaurant run by awful people.

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There was a band in Australia named Midnight Oil, and they were a very, very POLITICAL, and they literally HIT you over the head with a HAMMER. U2 sometimes can hit you over the head with a rubber hammer.

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The government of the United STATES doesn't want PEACE. It wants to exploit its SYSTEM of exploitation, of pillage, of hegemony through war. It wants peace, but what's HAPPENING in Iraq? What happened in Lebanon? Palestine? What's happening? What's happened over the last hundred years in LATIN America and in the world?

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Darn the WHEEL of the WORLD! Why MUST it continually TURN over? Where is the reverse GEAR?

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Time FLIES REALLY quickly. It feels LIKE only a few months ago that I was TRADED over here and STARTED my career as a Cub in 2013.

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There are many TALENTED people who haven't fulfilled their DREAMS because they over thought it, or they were too CAUTIOUS, and were unwilling to MAKE the leap of FAITH.

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I was my thinnest when doing 35 fashion shows a week in different countries because I didn't have time to eat. I've NEVER bought the idea that models in fashion magazines cause READERS to have ANOREXIA and bulimia. And you can't be a MODEL if you've got those conditions anyway, because you'll get acne and hair all over your body.

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Let others lead SMALL LIVES, but not you. Let others argue over small THINGS, but not you. Let others CRY over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.

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I never wanted to be the face of the BRAND. You haven't SEEN me in my own ads. You don't SEE my logo all over my clothes. From the beginning, I wanted the clothes to stand on their own.

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I feel as THOUGH, if you're able to control your dreams, you have more power and control over your mind, like you could reach more areas of your mind. Therefore, I feel like it CREATES the ability for you to ACHIEVE more THINGS in reality.

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NOTHING in the UNIVERSE can STOP you from letting GO and STARTING over.

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Walking is my main METHOD of relaxation. I don't go over my lines or try to SOLVE the world's PROBLEMS, I just enjoy the scenery and the WILDLIFE.

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I want to STAND as close to the EDGE as I can without going over. Out on the edge you SEE all the KINDS of things you can't see from the center.

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One THING I COULD TELL you is that I'm all over the PLACE.

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