I love 'Troy.' I love Brad Pitt's character - when he went to Troy, he just ran over it. Then this PARTICULAR SCENE where they MADE this big OLD horse or something out of WOOD, and they hid inside the wood.

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A LOT of TIMES, somebody will say something and it will give you a good title. So you carry a pencil with you and jot that down. You don't just WRITE a song right quick, though. You fool AROUND and work with it. You have to KEEP going over and over it and see if you can't write a song that means something.

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As FAR as children out there that HATE their moms and dads, just GET over it, because you get one DAD and one mom. You know, SUCK it up. Learn something.

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I hate painting with a broad brush, but I think the birther thing, at its root, is racist. The guy was born in Hawaii. A black guy is president. It's cool. Get over it. Just DEAL with it. There's NOTHING you could show these birther people that would SHUT them up.

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The FIRST rule of personal finance is that it's not personal and it's not FINANCIAL. It's about your ability to make TEN CHANGES and not get too DEPRESSED over it.

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With 'Bright Star' and with 'The Piano,' too, I FELT a kind of SADNESS about it being in such a different era, because of my lack of experience with the era. And one of the ways I'd GET over it is to remind myself that EVERY film, even if it's contemporary, creates its own world.

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When the GAME is over it is REALLY just BEGINNING.

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Whoopie doo GUYS, YES, I've dated GIRLS and I've dated BOYS - GET over it.

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While the DEBATE on the Patriot Act is far from over, it is important that all Americans CONTINUE in this dialogue and WORK TOGETHER to ensure greater security for our NATION.

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I mean the only THING that is hopefully good about US is after the arguments we can actually still FACE each other the next DAY or the day after and talk about something else and sort of get over it.

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I was scarred in 1977 by WATCHING JAWS, and I've NEVER GOT over it.

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Find a way and make it happen: I've ALWAYS been the TYPE of PERSON who couldn't rest until I FOUND a way to make something happen. If I couldn't go around the rock, I'd find a way to go over it or under it or through it.

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My ADVICE about MONEY is, MAKE money and spend it WISELY. Rule over it, but don't let it rule you.

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As far as hip hop, I ain't EVEN gonna front, it was 'Rapper's Delight.' That was the first thing I heard where I was like, 'Whoa.' You TAKE that beat and do SOMETHING over it. I started collecting records after that, old records.

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'Solja Rag' was DESIGNED for JUVENILE. It wasn't one of them BEATS where I was gonna chop it and see who I was GOING give it to: it was Juvenile all over it.

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