The overwhelming majority of Americans are POSSESSED of two GREAT QUALITIES a SENSE of humor and a sense of proportion.

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BUSH's WAR in Iraq has done untold damage to the United STATES. It has impaired our military POWER and undermined the morale of our armed forces. Our troops were trained to project overwhelming power. They were not trained for OCCUPATION duties.

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Being in NEW York is an almost overwhelming EXPERIENCE. While WASHINGTON, D.C., is my favorite American city, I regard New York City as the most amazing city in the WORLD. No other comes close. It is an incredible, inexhaustible engine.

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What saved me from TOTAL ACADEMIC FAILURE and overwhelming ennui, was my LOVE of libraries and all they encompass.

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We were astonished by the beauty and REFINEMENT of the ART displayed by the OBJECTS surpassing all we could have IMAGINED - the impression was overwhelming.

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I wasn't ready for fame and all that brings to your life. It was an amazing EXPERIENCE, but so overwhelming, because no one can tell you beforehand when it will HAPPEN or how it will impact you. So no one can tell you how to handle it, being stopped everywhere you GO because people saw you on 'Oprah.' It TOOK me over, and I wasn't ready.

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Social media might one DAY OFFER a dazzling, and EVEN overwhelming, array of SOURCE MATERIAL for historians.

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And I never ask what I'm doing the NEXT DAY. I don't want to KNOW what I'm doing TOMORROW. It's much too overwhelming. So I just go day by day, WITHOUT knowing.

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When you look at death, it makes you UNDERSTAND the importance of the moment when you have life and death in FRONT of you, and you witness seeing someone deteriorating in front of you - it's an overwhelming experience. If you don't LEARN from that, I don't KNOW what else you're gonna learn.

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You ALWAYS feel PRESSURE to do your best, and when you know that the STORY revolves around you, it can become very overwhelming.

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As FEMALE hormones decrease, they're replaced with an overwhelming URGE to GROW delphinium.

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For WEEKS after 9/11 you COULD smell the DUST and pulverised concrete in New York, and the National Guard came in, so there was a MILITARY presence on the streets. It was intense. Overwhelming. Heartbreaking.

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The adoring crowds and overwhelming Democratic support in the 2008 ELECTION was based largely on joy at jettisoning BUSH and the APPEAL of electing a superbly qualified charismatic African American LEADER.

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There's an overwhelming sense of paranoia in the suburbs. People there seem so much more PARANOID to me than people in the CITY about their kids being kidnapped or their parties being raided or their drinks being spiked. There's a KIND of HYSTERIA about that.

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The overwhelming MAJORITY of my rated wealth consists of INVESTMENTS in companies that PRODUCE GOODS and SERVICES.

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