I've got a LOT of coaching friends in the BUSINESS, in basketball and in other sports, that really when you talk about choosing JOBS, you WANT to make sure that you have a strong ownership group and the reputation of the DeVos family is as good as it goods.

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As GUN owners, my husband and I understand that the Second Amendment is most at risk when a CRIMINAL or deranged person commits a gun CRIME. These acts only embolden those who OPPOSE gun OWNERSHIP. Promoting responsible gun laws protects the Second Amendment and reduces lives lost from guns.

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What we have tried to instill across the LEAGUE through ownership and MANAGEMENT is that we STAND for INCLUSIVENESS and to judge SOMEBODY on the merits.

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I think COMPANIES NEED to take more OWNERSHIP over the gender gap themselves because if everybody does that, then overall, it will IMPROVE.

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One of the REASONS that Thatcher promoted home ownership is that it promoted responsible citizens with a stake in SOCIETY. But ANOTHER reason was that those people would tend to be CONSERVATIVE.

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Family OWNERSHIP provides the independence that is SOMETIMES required to withstand governmental pressure and PRESERVE FREEDOM of the PRESS.

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The 'Guardian''s unique ownership structure SAFEGUARDS our editorial INDEPENDENCE from commercial or political interference and MEANS we can reinvest any money we receive into this journalism that matters so MUCH.

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The Labour ELECTION of 1945 was a TREMENDOUS victory for DEMOCRATIC OWNERSHIP of the economy.

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If home ownership is the AMERICAN DREAM, then foreclosure certainly is the American nightmare. It destroys more than credit. It destroys LIVES. And its effects are felt beyond the individual family that it devastates. It SHAKES our entire economy.

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I like to do RESEARCH. It gives me a SENSE of ownership. That's very powerful for me as an actor to just own it.

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Markets are as old as the crossroads. But CAPITALISM, as we know it, is only a few hundred years old, enabled by cooperative arrangements and technologies, such as the joint-stock ownership COMPANY, SHARED liability INSURANCE, double-entry bookkeeping.

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I've had some incredible experiences with this organization. I OWE a lot to this team and this organization and the ownership. I don't WANT to see that TIME COME to an end, my time as a Cub.

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Sam Walton instilled OWNERSHIP of the PRODUCTS in the stores into the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS of every associate regardless of what job they did for the company.

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Predominantly everything I have and everything I do REVOLVES around my COMMITMENT to NASCAR on the team OWNERSHIP SIDE.

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