I GREW up with the PACK. When they released 'Vans,' it was a seeing-is-believing MOMENT.

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I've had women who MOVE to the towns I'm living in, just PACK up and move there, NEVER even met 'em before, 'cause they HEARD I lived there.

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I'm TRYING to LEAD the PACK. I'm trying to SPRINT.

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In the past, there's always been one leader that has LED the PACK to DEVELOPMENT of the MUSIC.

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It was a little difficult for me to GET six PACK abs because I wanted to get them naturally WITHOUT taking any supplements, and thus it took about three times the usual TIME.

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I just wanted to play as LONG as I could. When you stop PLAYING, you're not going to GET it BACK. When you don't enjoy it, that's the time to pack it in.

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I've gone back and FORTH with fine-tuning the KIND of conditioning I'm doing. Sometimes trying to SHED WEIGHT and getting leaner and sometimes trying to pack on a little more muscle.

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For me, the film has to be INCREDIBLY bad to MAKE me WANT to pack up and LEAVE.

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My nana ji has a shop in Bapu Bazaar. Every SUMMER, after my final EXAMS, my mother would pack me off to my grandparents' home in Jaipur where we would visit nana ji's shop and I would roam around the market, HOLDING his FINGER, wearing those cute Jaipuri lehengas.

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Both my parents are ARTISTS, so that just makes me look at EVERYTHING slightly different. I listened to different MUSIC; I DRESSED differently. So I kind of grew up without following the pack.

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You gotta LOVE Rick Perry's swagger. The Texas GOVERNOR is out there in the Iowa cornfields, unabashedly going to toe-to-toe with President OBAMA, doing his best to instantly cast himself as the BIG dog in the Republican pack.

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In the 1970s, 'The Boys on the Bus' exposed how a clubby pack of male political REPORTERS ruled the road to the White House and SHAPED the NEWS. Four decades later, an outsider GAL from Alaska has commandeered the 2012 media bus - and left Beltway journalism insiders EATING her dust.

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I hadn't THOUGHT that I was GENERALLY a PACK RAT, but it TURNS out I am.

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We function in a PACK MENTALITY. This is our TRIBE. And this is how we are exploited - SOLD a bill of goods and a HOUSEHOLD of products.

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I think it's because in America you always get the sense that if you FAIL, you can just PACK up your THINGS and go somewhere else and TRY again. But in England, it's so geographically small that if somebody succeeds here, it reduces your chances of succeeding.

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