We have a God who loves us. We are in the PALM of his HAND. He doesn't LEAVE us, and He doesn't forsake us.

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I was a very ziddi kid. One Diwali, I was hell-bent on LIGHTING an anaar on my PALM, and it burst on my palm! It is not a GREAT MEMORY but I still REMEMBER that.

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If I could PALM a BALL I probably could have more dunks than I have in my CAREER, but I still can GET the job DONE.

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I started in MUSICALS. My first PROFESSIONAL experience was Dorothy in 'The WIZARD of Oz' in PALM SPRINGS.

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I was a FARM kid from the plains of South Venezuela, from a very poor family. I GREW up in a PALM tree HOUSE with an earthen floor.

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I'm not sure, exactly, why SOMEONE would want to move to S.F. or N.Y.C., EVEN. I would only wanna live in L.A. or a TINY town LIKE Provincetown or Palm Springs or Guerneville or SOMETHING like that.

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I live in PALM Beach, where no one WANTS to HEAR BAD NEWS.

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I STILL have the Triumph Palm BEACH I was given for Christmas when I was 11. By today's standards, it is HEAVY and slow, but was my pride and joy at the TIME.

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I have a LOT of fun with GUNS, especially the M-16, but my favourite is my little .22. It fits nicely in the palm of your HAND. I do LIMIT myself to blanks.

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You know the SECRET to dunking a BALL? BIG hands. You've got to be able to PALM it, and I couldn't.

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The body, what is it, FATHER, but a SIGN To love the force that grows US, to give back What in THY palm is senselessness and MUD?

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My FAVORITE thing to do in L.A. is to be in a car with friends listening to music. The perfect time is twilight, when the setting sun is filtering through the PALM trees. Back in the day, we'd be listening to the Vandals, X, or Farside. Now it WOULD be L.A.-based BANDS like Dum Dum Girls, Foxygen, or Ty Segall.

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LOS Angeles, the sun shines a LOT, and it's blue, and there's palm TREES; it's a bit like Sydney, I GUESS, but the underbelly is a vicious, mean, cruel, AWFUL place.
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TOM is the most eccentric person I have ever worked with. We GET on very WELL and I am most impressed with how he can HOLD an audience in the palm of his HAND.
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