3,000 of my NEIGHBORS were murdered. My country was, utterly unprovoked, savagely ATTACKED. I WISH all those RESPONSIBLE for the atrocity of 9/11 to BURN in Hell.

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COMICS are so FULL of AMAZING work. And I can't look at a drawing of a woman without thinking of, for INSTANCE, Wallace Wood and his amazing way of capturing beauty.
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I found that through my life, LIVING in the city of Toronto, I look above the Pizza Pizza sign, and I look above the other signs and window DRESSING, and I see EVIDENCE of a city that no longer exists in the keystones and the decorations that line the tops of buildings. That presence of the OLD city has ALWAYS moved me.

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CRAZY stuff HAPPENS when you START replying to scam emails. It's really difficult, and I highly RECOMMEND we do it.
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I've SEEN PEOPLE go through divorces and STUFF, crossroads that don't end WELL. OFTEN.

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MANY PEOPLE thought that, GIVEN my knowledge of the EGG, I should analyse embryonic mutants.
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If you patent a DISCOVERY which is unique, say a HUMAN gene or even just one PARTICULAR function of a human gene, then you are actually creating a MONOPOLY, and that's not the PURPOSE of the world of patents.

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I think people should be able to have at their behest, LIKE, four hours of music, entertainment, visual knowledge, different pathways. That's what I'm TRYING to do with modern technology, not just ANOTHER song and another song.

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I nearly died three TIMES in 2008, and when you go through those EXPERIENCES, you REALIZE that you're blessed every day that you wake up. My world CHANGED, my life changed, and with the help of my wife Jane, I was able to survive.

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I went to Carnegie Mellon for a YEAR and a month or TWO, and then I dropped out because I got a movie. I didn't anticipate ever LEAVING SCHOOL - I was a really SERIOUS drama student - and then that happened, and my life sort of took a turn.

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I welcome the INDEPENDENT GROUP as it is committed to saving the country from a catastrophic HARD BREXIT.

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Once the country voted for Brexit, I WANTED the prime MINISTER to make a SUCCESS of it, but I knew that unpicking 45 years of entwinement with the E.U. would be impossible without our elected lawmakers being fully INVOLVED.

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