MAY I KISS you then? On this miserable PAPER? I MIGHT as well open the window and kiss the night air.
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I TRY not to second-guess EDITORS; they're the clients, and I have no expectation that my strip is GOING to MAKE it into EVERY paper every day.

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I have FILES, I have computer files and, you KNOW, files on PAPER. But most of it is really in my head. So God help me if anything ever happens to my head!

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In sixth GRADE, we all had to write this OPINION paper. Most WROTE about things like why we should be able to chew GUM in class - I wrote about why women should receive equal pay.

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Make a living will. Talk about it. Death is going to happen to everybody. WRITE it down. EVEN if you write it on a piece of PAPER at home and have your FAMILY witness it, you need to write it down.

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I put a PIECE of PAPER under my PILLOW, and when I could not SLEEP I wrote in the dark.

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The visionary STARTS with a CLEAN sheet of PAPER, and re-imagines the WORLD.

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I was an avid collector of ELVIS' early STUFF; for a YOUNG SINGER, he was an absolute INSPIRATION. I soaked up what he did like blotting paper. It's the same as being in school - you learn by copying the maestro.

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The Law is but WORDS and PAPER without the HANDS of swords of men.

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I don't KNOW how to PLAN my WAY out of a PAPER BAG.

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Each MORNING my CHARACTERS greet me with misty faces willing, though chilled, to muster for another day's PROGRESS through the dazzling QUICKSAND the marsh of blank paper.

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I PULLED COTTON at 6 years old and worked on the peanut FARM and paper route.

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If they GIVE you RULED PAPER, WRITE the other WAY.

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I like to believe that I don't think of myself as a writer. I am an amateur. Back when I was teaching, I WROTE when I could. Weekends were good TYPEWRITER TIME. Now, it's whenever I feel there's something to be PUT on paper. I don't care what time it is, though I ALWAYS write in the notebooks at night.

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GROWING up, 'Newsday' was the PAPER that was delivered to my doorstep EVERY DAY.
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