I was mugged when I was 12. I had a portable radio, and I RAN into this building and these TWO guys came in and hit me, busted me up and TOOK the radio. After that I was very paranoid and I started taking kung fu and karate. But I didn't want to FIGHT.

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I'm terrified of bugs and I travel with sprays, lotions, potions; the LOT. I have to CHECK the ROOM before I go to sleep and if I come across a bug and fail to remove it I have to sleep in a separate room as I'm paranoid that I'll be taken ADVANTAGE of as I sleep.

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I've OFTEN entertained paranoid suspicions about my FRIDGE and what it's been doing to my poetry when I'm not LOOKING, but I NEVER even considered that my fan was thinking about me.

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SLEEP DEPRIVATION over quite a SHORT period of time can make you PARANOID.
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Some JOURNAL WRITERS CHOOSE to password-protect their site, which is EITHER an incredibly responsible ACT or a paranoid one.

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I THINK there's this TRADITION of a culture of NDAs that has spanned all the way BACK to the '70s and '80s when GAME developers where very PARANOID about cloning and people copying one another's ideas and business sabotage.

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I became PARANOID for a long time: I thought that PEOPLE were out to HARM me.

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My mother had very POOR HEARING for MANY years, until she went basically into - I GUESS I would call it a psychotic BREAK. She was OK one day, and the next day she was completely cuckoo, violent, paranoid.

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Governments SOMETIMES TURN paranoid. And they fear THINGS. And sometimes the THING they fear the most is the populace.

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These days, if you SEE SOMETHING and SAY something, you're just a PARANOID bigot.

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What I like about Japanese venues is that the front barrier is right up against the stage, so when you're bending over, they're right there in front of you. In some European FESTIVALS, they're so PARANOID, you NEED a TAXI to go and touch the crowd!

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The WORLD of 'The HUNGER GAMES' is a PARANOID survivalist's DREAM.

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I had heard a LIVE show, where my voice didn't sound the WAY I wanted to hear it and I got PARANOID. I'm not an amazing singer, I just BELT it out in this crappy old way, but for a while I had it in my HEAD that I couldn't sing.

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I GET so PARANOID about the MAKEUP build-up.

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