I RECOGNIZE the Republican party as the sheet ANCHOR of the colored MAN's POLITICAL HOPES and the ark of his safety.

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Nicole Richie invited me to her BIRTHDAY PARTY, and it was at MICHAEL Jackson's Neverland!

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I've always been pro-LIFE from conception to natural DEATH. It's important for the Republican nominee to maintain what we stand for. We are the party that stands for all of life, WHETHER it's convenient or inconvenient, whether it's PERFECT or imperfect.

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What you SEE at a BACHELOR or bachelorette PARTY is what HAPPENS on a recruiting VISIT.

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Republicans: steely, rational, paternalistic, respectful of authority, easy to herd, the party of No. Democrats: sugary, emotional, IDEALISTIC, yearning for NOVELTY, hard to marshal, the party of OH Yeah, Baby, Make Mama Feel Good.

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When you have little GIRLS, you're the coolest PERSON in the WORLD. I know at some point that's going to end; in their adolescence I'll become the opposite of that, especially if I'm parked OUTSIDE a high school party.

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Championing liberty BEGINS at the local level. There is nothing more fundamental than the principle that a MAN's HOME is his castle. DONALD TRUMP's career-long willingness to trample this right tells you everything you need to know about his bogus tea party sideshow.

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I get butterflies before I GO out to say HELLO at a PARTY.

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Abuse of words has been the GREAT INSTRUMENT of sophistry and chicanery, of party, faction, and division of society.

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That's what governors do, they wrestle with the issues, they FIND solutions and they move the agenda forward. At the appropriate time we'll talk about all of these issues, while remembering that our party is a big tent party. We LOSE when we TRY to become exclusive to one particular SET of issues.

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I tell ANYONE who will listen to me: On a CRUISE, you can be with all these people, or you can be by yourself. You can FIND TRANQUILITY, you can find party, you can find NEW friends. I'm a cruise convert.

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Apparently, I'm very good at firing a gun without blinking, which is UNUSUAL. That's why so many ACTION CHARACTERS have to wear SUNGLASSES during shoot-out SCENES. That's my party trick.

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We should EDUCATE all PARTY members and other working people to become genuine patriots who FIRST LOVE their parents, spouses and children and further sincerely shed SWEAT and dedicate their all to spruce up their homes, villages and workplaces so that they are better than others' and add lustre to their country, their motherland.

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If I'm GOING to a party, I DANCE for as LONG as possible to burn the CALORIES - the jive is great because you're on your toes a lot so it works your calves, thighs and BUM.

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When I hung out with my Uncle Chris, things got REAL. He was FUN, talkative, and loud. He was the life of the PARTY and a magnet for MISCHIEF. Since he saw the world through a GANGSTA's lens, he wanted me to become tough and aggressive.

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