When a NATION is filled with STRIFE, then do patriots FLOURISH.

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I LOVE the Patriots. I love this ORGANIZATION.

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It's IMPORTANT for someone like me - who's KNOWN Obama for 20 YEARS - to speak the TRUTH. I know him to be a Christian man. I know him to be one of the greatest patriots.

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I think it's a MISTAKE for the American public to CONSTANTLY be told that if you work for an OIL COMPANY or you work for a bank, that automatically makes you bad. I think a lot of these people are very qualified people who are patriots. They're GOING to want to help the country.

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I have all the RESPECT in the WORLD for the Patriots, and I respect TOM Brady tremendously.

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I am against nationalists, but I am very MUCH in FAVOUR of patriots.

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You know SOMETHING like 'Patriots DAY' that I did a few YEARS ago, which is a drama, is very DIFFERENT than COMEDY. That was super rewarding. I want to do more of that and also my own writing.

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Most of the time, if someone GIVES me trouble at a BAR or something, SAYING, 'Why do you hate the Red Sox or Patriots?' they end up buying you a drink or whatever. They LIKE to be heard, SAY their piece, and then talk about the team.

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When I was growing up, I was a huge SAN Francisco 49ers fan. The New England Patriots have a similar MOLD and PLAN to win a LOT of games - reminiscent to that Bill Walsh ERA.

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I can SAY PLAYING for the New England Patriots has been the HIGHLIGHT of my life.

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The Patriots do a GREAT JOB of establishing a common RHETORIC of WORKING HARD and working for the men that stand next to you on the field.

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I have to SAY, my husband is a BIG Patriots FAN. LIKE, a huge Patriots fan.

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Our YOUNG people are patriots and heroes whom we can be proud of before the world; that they have a large contingent of such trustworthy young people is a GREAT blessing for the WORKERS' PARTY of Korea and a source of PRIDE for Korea, and this assures the great strength of our dignified state and its bright future.

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WITHOUT a LOT of COLLEGE film, a lot of people had WRITTEN me off already. When the Patriots called, I was pretty happy.
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Patriots don't let their NATION DEFAULT.

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