But Germany is a reflective power: even as it adapts, a belief in the importance of RESTRAINT, deliberation, and peaceful negotiation will CONTINUE to GUIDE its interactions with the REST of the world.

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Thirty years ago, this promise, this allure of DEMOCRACY, drove hundreds of thousands of PEOPLE in East Germany onto the streets. What courage they showed! It was these BRAVE people, these peaceful heroes and heroines, who BROUGHT the Wall tumbling down.

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Free nations are PEACEFUL nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't DEVELOP weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION.

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It's HARD to UNDERSTAND the life that I live and rationalize some of the things that I do. I don't need someone questioning every MOVE that I make, asking me why I don't just relax. When there's no one asking me those types of QUESTIONS... to me, it's PEACEFUL.

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The rapprochement of peoples is only possible when differences of culture and OUTLOOK are respected and appreciated RATHER than FEARED and condemned, when the common bond of human DIGNITY is recognized as the essential bond for a peaceful world.

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Sometimes I have a very bad POINT of being too OBNOXIOUS. I am not too obnoxious. I mean, I just try to MAKE THINGS more peaceful. Me being obnoxious makes a LOT of things more peaceful.

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The international COMMUNITY should pressure IRAN to get the Houthis to agree to some PEACEFUL understanding in Yemen. But at the same time, Saudi Arabia also needs to BELIEVE truly in democracy for Yemen.

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What makes America's election system unique is the fact that EVEN when elections are CLOSE, we find a resolution, which LEADS to the peaceful TRANSITION of POWER that remains one of the most important tenets of our democracy.

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By PROVIDING OUTSTANDING economic LEADERSHIP, this country can wage its attack successfully - and can thereby build the foundations of a peaceful world.

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At the same TIME as we were seizing the lands that we TURNED into Iraq, we were devising an interesting future for our new protectorate in PALESTINE, and simultaneously trying to pacify Ireland, where we HIT upon the SOLUTION of partition in 1921, thereby securing a peaceful resolution to the conflict only 86 years later.

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The SPACE and light up there in Norfolk is wonderfully PEACEFUL. I find myself doing funny THINGS LIKE gardening, and cooking, which I RARELY do in London.

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Sadat was a great and good man, and his most bitter and dangerous enemies were PEOPLE who were OBSESSED with HATRED for his PEACEFUL goals.

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I often stay in TOKYO's Daikanyama neighbourhood. You can GO for a peaceful morning RUN along the Meguro river, and it is particularly incredible during CHERRY blossom season.

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You can rebel in DIFFERENT WAYS. Civil DISOBEDIENCE is rebelling. As long as it's PEACEFUL, of course.

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