I am a Barack OBAMA fan from head-to-toe - always have been. He's not PERFECT; NOBODY is GOING to be that way.

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This is who I am. I'm not PERFECT. I don't WANT to TRY to be perfect.

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A life of anybody is not PERFECT; there is always THINGS that happen, and that is what MAKES it interesting.

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My FATHER showed me so MUCH love. He showed my brother so much love. He just, he had a ROUGH life. You know, he grew up in a boys home in the BRONX. He didn't really know his own family. So I couldn't hold it against him that he didn't know how to parent. He didn't know how to be the perfect husband. But he loved as much as he could.

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I began to SEE CINEMA as the perfect combination of so many wonderful ART forms - painting, photography, music, dance, theater.

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I think perfect DATES involve walking a LOT, and not a bunch of driving around in cars. Ideally, you can walk together and go to a restaurant, and then walk from there to ANOTHER nice place - this is, I guess, because of REALLY great dates that I've had with my WIFE here in Portland.

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We're not meant to be perfect. It TOOK me a LONG time to learn that.

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I have the BIGGER IPAD, but the Mini is the best. It just seems perfect. The old one seems so big and HEAVY. I LIKE SIMPLE and clean.

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LIKE most of the WORLD's population I'm into coffee, but in a properly BIG and important way. My PERFECT weekend would start with a pint of coffee.
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LIFE does not MEASURE up to PERFORMING... Performing is PERFECT.
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There is no such THING as the PERFECT MEAL; one can ALWAYS do BETTER.

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The specific influences on VILLAINS to me is, I love the villains who are really hyper-smart. When at the end of the MOVIE you FIND out what they were about, and it makes absolutely perfect SENSE from their point of view.

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Although I hardly ever turn on the TV SET unless it's football season, I do watch a LOT of TV on my IPAD - PERFECT for long airplane journeys.

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You can't BEAT a British holiday for ROCK pooling and sandcastles with FISH and chips on the seafront - PERFECT.

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Nobody's gonna be a PERFECT PARENT, you KNOW? We're all doing the best we can.

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