I REALIZED that I was about to TURN 30, and BATMAN was permanently 29. And I was GOING to be damned if I was OLDER than Batman.

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I would LOVE to SHOOT in San Francisco permanently. It would be such a JOY to come back HOME full CIRCLE.

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I KNOW that you cannot BANISH the TRUTH permanently, you can only CLOUD it temporarily.

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My first JOB was scooping ice CREAM at FRIENDLY's in Albany, NEW York. I hated the work, most of my colleagues, and the uniform, and I more or less lost my taste for ice cream permanently.

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I am not the paraplegic seated permanently in his CHAIR or the able-bodied PERSON on her FEET. IDENTITY for a hemiplegic is a shifty THING.

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PEOPLE in L.A. don't have to brace themselves against the COLD; they slack off permanently, and their BRAINS TURN to mush.

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We must permanently reinstate the ASSAULT WEAPONS Ban and the RESTRICTIONS on high capacity magazines.

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The death tax should be completely and permanently repealed now in ORDER to MAKE the Tax Code fairer and simpler and to ELIMINATE the harmful drag this tax has on the economy.

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Once you are trained in the international martial ARTS, your body and mind BECOME toned permanently. You can take on any action ROLE.

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It is SHOCKING how MUCH a DAY-care center is like a prison. They both have security cameras with walled exercise yards. Prisons are PERMANENT day CARES for people permanently in time-out - convicts.

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If you ask any of US which movie we were making when one of our KIDS was born, we'll be ABLE to TELL you instantly. It's like our family LIVES are permanently woven into the movies.

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We NEED HOUSING for PEOPLE who are exiting homelessness, and need to make sure we're providing housing at multiple LEVELS of care so people can get the services they need to permanently exit homelessness and make their HOME in San Francisco.

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GOD doesn't PUT ANYONE someplace permanently. I am a LIVING TESTIMONY to that.

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We have to overthrow the IDEA that it's a diversion from 'real' work when scientists conduct high-quality research in the open. Publicly funded science should be open science. Improving the way that science is done means speeding us ALONG in curing cancer, solving the PROBLEM of climate change and launching HUMANITY permanently into space.

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PEOPLE's ACCESS to SOCIAL MEDIA should not permanently be RESTRICTED.

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