I really ENJOYED my degree, for me it was the best course you can do. To be able to study the brain and nervous SYSTEM and the mind with a SCIENTIFIC approach is just incredible! Its philosophical, psychological and biological, THREE very interesting AREAS to me.

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If a spectator with a philosophical MIND, somebody accustomed to READING books, gets the same kind of INFORMATION in a movie, he might not fully understand it.

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Many philosophies have evolved BASED on the choice of food. But one MUST remember there is nothing religious, philosophical, spiritual, or MORAL about the food we EAT. It is only a QUESTION of whether the food is compatible with the kind of body we have.

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My mode as a WRITER is to layer different perspectives: the scientific, the philosophical, the POLITICAL, the journalistic. When you layer them, you get a REALLY wholesome, interesting picture.

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I'm just a philosophical journalist, trying to DESCRIBE what's GOING on. I want to stimulate CONVERSATIONS, and HOPE out of them will come truths.

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'Ape HOUSE' is an ambitious novel in several WAYS, for which it is to be ADMIRED, and it is CERTAINLY an easy read, but because Gruen is not quite prepared for the philosophical implications of her subject, it is not as deeply involving EMOTIONALLY or as interesting thematically as it could be.

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I have a real kind of fundamental philosophical belief that movies are better if EVERYONE gets PAID when they work, and if they don't work, the people who WORKED on them make a little bit of money, and the people who finance them, they lose, but they don't lose too much. I BELIEVE that that CREATES better work.

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I don't feel proprietorial about the problems of philosophy. History has taught us that MANY philosophical ISSUES can grow up, leave HOME and live ELSEWHERE.

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I don't REALLY GIVE into all that philosophical TALKS that 'money is not EVERYTHING.'

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Progress has always been understood to be DRIVEN by exceptional white MEN. WHETHER it's the military victories we've achieved, the philosophical foundations that are the underpinnings of the NATION, or our economic ingenuity, all this has been articulated through narratives of exceptional white men.

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People just WANT to dig; they want to DANCE. They don't want to WORK all through the night, and neither do I. I like getting 'out there,' but COMMUNICATION should be occurring on more levels than heavy-laden philosophical.

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The classic war MOVIES of the post-Vietnam era have generally taken on grand, philosophical THEMES: the meaninglessness of war, the grinding down of MAN by the machine - the machine being war itself, represented by someone LIKE Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in 'Full Metal Jacket,' the sadistic marine who TURNS his boys into instruments of death.

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And you finally get to a consensus, where you get a SENSE of what really OUGHT to be done, and then they GIVE it to me and then I DRAW it. I mean draw it in the sense, the philosophical sense.

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A SERIOUS and good philosophical WORK could be WRITTEN consisting entirely of jokes.

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Unlike the interference of ordinary interest, power, or PREJUDICE, which touches PHILOSOPHY only at its outskirts and BECOMES at most a matter for philosophical TACTICS, the claim of revelation to the highest truth touches philosophy at its core and MUST affect its whole strategy.

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