I love being on FILM SETS EVEN if I'm not ACTING in the film, and I'm fascinated by the work of the director of PHOTOGRAPHY.

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I WANTED to be a DIRECTOR of photography for a while, because I'm fascinated by what they do. You're made to look GOOD by them and you can learn so MUCH from talking to them.

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I just don't LIKE to do PHOTOGRAPHY for MONEY.

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Why are all the ARTISTS so dead-set on distorting? It SEEMS to be a REACTION against PHOTOGRAPHY, but I'm not SURE.

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Photography is the simplest thing in the WORLD, but it is incredibly COMPLICATED to MAKE it really WORK.

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I have a REVERENCE for GREAT PHOTOGRAPHY, but I don't CONSIDER myself in that LEAGUE.

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Mapplethorpe PRESENTED the body as a SEXUAL object, separating it from the humanity of the person. He added nothing to photography as a medium. I hold his WORK in LOW regard.

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I PLAYED in BANDS very very young. I painted; I did photography, all KINDS of THINGS.

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I gravitated TOWARD PHOTOGRAPHY. That's what I REALLY did WELL.

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WILDLIFE photography takes a LONG time because you have to WAIT for THINGS to happen.
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Anybody that LOOKS at my photography, it blows my MIND because it's my last HOBBY.

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To me, PHOTOGRAPHY is the simultaneous RECOGNITION, in a fraction of a SECOND, of the SIGNIFICANCE of an EVENT.

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You TAKE 35 DEGREES out of 360 degrees and CALL it a photo. No INDIVIDUAL photo explains anything. That's what MAKES photography such a wonderful and problematic medium.

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