I FOLLOW Ayurveda, but above EVERYTHING, I BELIEVE in being HEALTHY mentally, physically, and emotionally.

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After the World Cup, the next two or three DAYS there is a lot of celebration, a lot of obligation, towards the COUNTRY, towards the French Federation, towards the FANS. And then, after that, you feel so empty - mentally and physically. It's a long tournament; it demands a lot of energy and a lot of EMOTION.

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In England, everyone is REALLY physically strong. They can PLAY three games, and then they are ready to play the fourth. If you are a SPANISH TEAM, and you GIVE away a corner against an English team, then you have to be ready.

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'Time in a TREE' is a song about when you find yourself in a BUSY state of MIND, which I often find myself in. Sometimes it can feel LIKE you can't physically get out of it, or you can't mentally or physically bring yourself out of that... it's like having traffic in your BRAIN.

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MIAMI is one of these great places that is a REALLY SENSUAL, physically beautiful PLACE.
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It's in that moment - when millions of fans are HOLDING their breath as the football hurtles towards me at 80 mph, and all I have is WITHIN 0.42 seconds to react - that I need to feel MENTALLY and physically prepared.

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I love FOOTBALL, and I love to play, and I WANT to play until I PHYSICALLY can't - whatever AGE that is.

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The manager is ALWAYS on at US about mental STRENGTH anyway. He just comes in and stresses how important it is to be STRONG mentally, to succeed you've got to GO through pain both mentally and physically.

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I've given my heart and SOUL to club and COUNTRY; there's NOTHING more I can physically or mentally GIVE. I have no regrets.

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When I was on the chubbier side, I thought that whatever GOD and whatever my body told me to be at that time, that's what it was. I'd SAY I grew more of an understanding about my body probably AROUND my senior year in HIGH school. I understood my body physically as an athlete.

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PHYSICALLY, I'm trying to get in the BEST SHAPE POSSIBLE.
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Messi is an extraterrestrial in every sense, and I'm very FORTUNATE that I was ABLE to enjoy the BEST, or one of the best, versions of him. Without a DOUBT, he's the number one, and to be that, you have to control every aspect and be very strong PHYSICALLY.

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