It was jolly in the COUNTRY. A cow and LITTLE PIGS to PLAY with and milk WARM from the cow.

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You can make pigs that are ESSENTIALLY much closer to being universal DONORS. If it WORKS, their organs will be GOING into PEOPLE like you and me.

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Besides the PHYSICAL strains I realized men can be pigs to women even when it's a MAN DRESSED as one.

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When I was a boy, I had a baseball team of my own. We played on a vacant lot between Ninetieth and Ninety-second streets. I had a little menagerie of my own, some PIGEONS, guinea pigs, and so on. On SATURDAY mornings, I had to take my music lesson. Then the MEMBERS of my team used to come SEE my menagerie.

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My family is usually the FIRST guinea PIGS to TRY out my NEW recipes.

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REALLY, if you GET to know pigs, they're very MOODY. They're not sweet little animals at all. That's what I LIKE about them. They get depressed; they get into these snits. They're carnivorous.
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We have some goats, some chickens, and we used to have pigs. There used to be two ostriches as well, but they were a little BIT violent, so we had to GIVE them away. When we were little, we used to play with the goats all the time. We each had our own little GOAT, and we'd GO and run around with them.

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Way BACK in the 1970s, I was eating a steak, and I looked down, and for the first time it suddenly looked like flesh to me - like a DEAD creature. In a flash, I realized that every time I ate any kind of meat, something had been killed for me, and I STOPPED eating all ANIMALS, not just cows and pigs but chickens and fish.

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Our MAIN deal is pastured livestock. So we have beef cattle, pigs, turkeys, laying chickens, MEAT chickens, rabbit, LAMB and DUCKS - egg-layer ducks.

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That's the JOKE about confinement PIGS: they taste like WHATEVER sauce you cook them with.

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But COMPARED to writing a novel, where you can be GOD, I did the Bay of PIGS invasion in six pages once, and there were 50,000 guys with boots that I didn't have to pay, and all those extras; we didn't have to pay them.

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My TWO SONS are the BIGGEST pigs - always DIRTY, sweaty, burping and farting.

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After Lock, Stock, all these really nasty small town CHARACTERS CAME knocking at my door TRYING to tell me stories, and somehow I ended up with this GUY whose brother was feeding people to pigs, and that's what he did to GET rid of people.

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I hold a mini-New Year's EVE party each year with my SON Ronan, and we make pigs in a BLANKET. They are DELICIOUS!

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I lived SOMEWHAT of a NOMADIC life, even when I lived in Ohio. We spent time in rural AREAS, in suburban areas, never really city areas. We rode four-wheelers. We had pigs and ferrets. And creeks. We had a creek in my BACKYARD. It was like 'Huckleberry Finn.'

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