WORKING at Pixar has been LIKE my GRADUATE SCHOOL for screenwriting.
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From an ANIMATION perspective, it doesn't get better than Pixar. You're working so much in the blind because the HUGE circle of collaborators that's required to pull off a film like this MEANS that you are just one small arc in that large circle. The level of TRUST that you have to give into is significant.

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I think Pixar's done an amazing JOB integrating art and science. They REALLY GET this idea that art and ENGINEERING work side by side.

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We WORK very HARD in all of the Pixar FILMS to not make anything in the imagery that CAUSES people to THINK of something other than the story.

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I love the Sonoma WINE COMMUNITY. It's like Pixar - nothing competitive, only SUPPORTIVE. They're always rooting for you.

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At Pixar, after every movie we have postmortum MEETINGS where we discuss what WORKED and what didn't WORK.

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EVERY Pixar FILM, when we START developing the story, it takes about four years to MAKE one of our films.
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In OVERSEEING both DISNEY and Pixar Animation, each STUDIO has a unique CULTURE.

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Probably more than any other MOVIE we've MADE here at Pixar, 'Up' was the one we were the most NERVOUS about.

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One of the head guys at Disney categorically SAID to me, 'We don't WANT to make CHILDREN's films any more. We want to make films that are going to appeal to all quadrants.' Hence you have films like 'Shrek' and all the Pixar STUFF, which is designed to suit EVERYBODY.

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When Pixar CALLS and SAYS, 'Hey, you wanna be in a Pixar MOVIE?' you don't do a LOT of contemplating!

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Any of US directing at Pixar, whether it's our FIRST time or not, feel a lot of PRESSURE to not MAKE a BAD Pixar film.

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The WORLD does not WANT to SEE a Pixar FILM that's not GREAT.

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If I went BACK to live-action, I'd have to do it the Pixar way. If I didn't, I'd FEEL like I was WALKING a tightrope WITHOUT a net.

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People talk a lot about Pixar GOING off the rails. A lot of people are saying they aren't happy that we are making sequels. But for every one of those people, there is one that is happy because they fell in love with the worlds we CREATED. We HOPE we've proved that a sequel can be every bit as enjoyable as the original.

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