Boxing is the TOUGHEST and loneliest SPORT in the world. You've GOT all the fans, lots of hangers-on jumping up and shouting different words. But when you actually go in the ring, it's a very lonely and SCARY place. It's just you and the other guy.

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My favourite place in SOUTH Korea is Jeju Island: it's a tropical paradise with sandy beaches, TURQUOISE waters, and the MAGNIFICENT Geomunoreum lava tube system of underground CAVES.

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The only PLACE that MATTERS is FIRST.

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When it comes to space, I see it as my job, I'm building INFRASTRUCTURE the HARD way. I'm using my resources to PUT in place HEAVY lifting infrastructure so the next GENERATION of people can have a dynamic, entrepreneurial explosion into space.

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I'm SOMEWHAT HORRIFIED because I don't THINK the young people today EVEN know what HISTORY is. Some of them don't' even study History at school anymore or Geography and they don't know where one place is from another.

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No one is the same, and we all have DIFFERENT LIFE EXPERIENCES. It's not my PLACE to judge them or for them to judge me. We should all be accountable for our own lives.

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My father used to have an EXPRESSION. He'd say, 'Joey, a job is about a LOT more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about respect. It's about your PLACE in your COMMUNITY.'

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Death is such a strange THING. One minute you're here and then just GONE. You'd THINK there would be an anteroom, a place where you COULD be VISITED before you go.

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The minimum wage is something that F.D.R. PUT in PLACE a long TIME ago during the Great DEPRESSION. I don't think it worked then. It didn't solve any PROBLEMS then and it hasn't solved any problems in 50 years.

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I BELIEVE that if you have revolutionary POTENTIAL, you MUST make the world a better place and use it.

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CHANGE is always GOOD. It brings you to a NEW PLACE.
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My STYLE reflects my MOOD, the PLACE I'm in, and the place I'm GOING to.

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I've been so blessed in my LIFE that THINGS have kind of seemed to fall in place for me. I just have to keep on the right path and not jaunt off to the LEFT or the right.

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I had a very strong FEELING about the Vietnam War, and I had a strong feeling about participating in it. The military draft was in place, I was summoned for a PHYSICAL exam, and I was either going to be classified as fit for military SERVICE or make my OBJECTION to it. So I made my objection to it.

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