CHICAGO's one of the RARE PLACES where ARCHITECTURE is more visible.
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Scarcely ANYONE ever wants to be ANYBODY else. HOWEVER handicapped or UNHAPPY he feels himself, he would not change PLACES with other more fortunate mortals.

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When the digital WORLD is REALLY here, movies can be disseminated from satellite DIRECT to homes and direct to small THEATERS in Mongolia and northern Russia and obscure places that the market for movies is GOING to grow and grow and grow.

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Theatres, stages are DANGEROUS PLACES.

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Yale PLACES great STRESS on undergraduate and GRADUATE teaching. I LIKE teaching, and I do a lot of it.

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Talent DEVELOPS in quiet PLACES, CHARACTER in the full current of human LIFE.

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The MAGIC of Disneyland, walking through the TUNNEL UNDERNEATH the train STATION to Main STREET, it just transports you to other places and other times.

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I'm going from Somerset Park one WEEK to Wembley the next. It's CRAZY but that's football. You don't get to where you WANT to be WITHOUT going through all these different places.

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In this century of hyper-postmodern ideals, with the digital FUTURE, we're segmented into different people, PLACES, and things in a CONSTANT state of change.

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Of course I danced a lot when I was making 'Swingers.' The swing music SCENE was big in HOLLYWOOD, and I went to PLACES like The Derby. And, after I wrote it and was trying to GET it made, I would go every week so I'd be good at dancing.

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I probably have the WORST wardrobe. It's the most ill-fitting with the worst patterns and COLORS and the most nipple rubbage. There's bad chafing, and it's always TIGHT in all the wrong places. What's sad is that I'm KINDA getting used to it.

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I don't like MODELING, but in TERMS of the places I GOT to visit, it was great.

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PEOPLE don't LISTEN to terrestrial RADIO. They don't find their music that way. They don't get their news that way. They go to blogs. They go through Sirius/XM. They go through all these DIFFERENT places.
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DEATH can happen anywhere, but kids in Chicago, like 4 years OLD, can GET shot. You don't really HEAR that in too many places.
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