I think that it's a vital MOMENT now for Russian democracy to convince people that it's only our actions, our joined actions and PROTESTS that could force Kremlin to reconsider its plans to abolish presidential ELECTIONS.

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I FIND that doing of the will of GOD LEAVES me no TIME for disputing about His PLANS.

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I think probably - I think, you KNOW, when you're first dating somebody, if they're just not that physical with you, if they don't WANT to make CONCRETE plans with you, you know, if they're sort of ambiguous about where everything is going, I think that's a pretty GOOD sign that they're not into you.

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Most Fortune 500 companies BEGAN as small start-ups whose entrepreneurial founders slowly developed the INFRASTRUCTURE, HIRED the staff, sourced manufacturers or built their own factory, and CREATED distribution, sales, and marketing plans.

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MIX a LITTLE foolishness with your serious PLANS. It is lovely to be SILLY at the right moment.

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I have no PLANS to retire. It's the perfect COMBINATION of work and play that keeps you young. If I quit work it would be the BEGINNING of the END for me.

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I've NEVER been troubled by DISAPPOINTMENT, and I GET over it quickly. But I'm not GOOD at making plans, and I don't have any ambitions. I never did.

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An IMPORTANT PART of any focusing regimen is to set aside time at the end of the day - just before going to sleep - to acknowledge your successes, review your goals, focus on your SUCCESSFUL FUTURE, and make specific plans for what you want to accomplish the next day.

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It is not PREDICTIONS but plans that MAKE the future. If you want predictions, it is because you do not have the ability to make a PLAN and FULFILL it.

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No one can take their place or their England shirt for granted. If I WANT to be in that SQUAD, I NEED to keep banging in the goals to MAKE sure I stay in the MANAGER's plans.

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USERS get unlimited 'WhatsApp'. We get HAPPY users who don't have to worry about DATA. Carriers get people willing to sign up for data PLANS.

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We don't really talk about our future plans. But we, at the same time, TRY to build things that our users ASK US for.

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I chose Spurs and I think it's turned out well. I FELT I was joining a GREAT TEAM, with great plans and the PERSONAL chats I had with PEOPLE at Spurs were great.

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There are PLANS for a Wii PORT of 'Gray MATTER,' and I HOPE it HAPPENS.

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No matter what you thought your plans were, that's not how things are going to WORK out, and that's the only WAY you can really, I THINK, live successfully.

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