A LOT of pop MUSIC is about STEALING POCKET money from children.

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It took 24 years for me to harness my autistic TRAITS into something USEFUL, and I have grown to REGARD them as a kind of superpower. Cooking, to me, is akin to algebra, and my mind a pocket CALCULATOR.

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The INTERNET is going to have a BIGGER impact on content creators than the television ever had. The reason why that's the case is that suddenly you're ABLE to tell stories 24/7 in the HOME, out of the home, in every room of the home. A television screen can be in your pocket through a smartphone.

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I don't have to have any SPECIAL SKILLS or martial ARTS in my BACK POCKET.

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I fall asleep feeling beautiful. Then, in the morning, before I leave the house, I say five things I LOVE about myself, like 'You have really pretty eyes.' That way I can go out into the WORLD with that LITTLE bit of extra CONFIDENCE. It's a feel-good protein shake in my BACK pocket in case someone messes with me that day.

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If I CUT an ALBUM now and sell it for ten bucks, I can put seven dollars and FIFTY cents in my POCKET.

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I WOULD WEAR one of those plastic POCKET protectors, but they MAKE you look like a Republican.

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Let me TELL you SOMETHING about Tunechi - about that boy. That boy comes to the studio every DAY and GRIND as if he doesn't have a dollar in his pocket.

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If you only believe that you're an ARTIST when you have a BIG advance in your pocket and a single coming out, I would say that's quite soulless. You have to have a sense of your own greatness and your own ability from a very deep PLACE inside you. I am the one with the litmus test in my HANDS of what people need to HEAR next.

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I noticed a LOT of dual-threat quarterbacks in the shotgun or in the pistol, a lot of them don't LAST FOREVER. I WANT to be in the pocket.

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My folks have played everything from rock, disco, POP, funk, and blues. My dad has always brought and played different genres LIKE JAZZ, classical, and LATIN. With all this in my pocket, I feel I have a TASTE of everything for my influences.

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PRESSURE is playing for ten dollars when you don't have a DIME in your POCKET.

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When PEOPLE think of the South Side of Chicago, they don't think about where I'm from. It was sort of a pocket: this idyllic COMMUNITY of BLACK people who TOOK care of each other, knew each other, spent time with each other.

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My siblings and I had to earn our own pocket money so from the age of about 10 I had a job. I did a paper round, helped with the farmer's DELIVERY at the WEEKEND, cut hedges for neighbours and WORKED on a market stall. Then I'd go and buy a record with my hard-won money.

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