I can PLAY POKER when I have to and I THINK it has made me a better FIGHTER.

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POKER is all about COMFORT with UNCERTAINTY, after all.
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You can't follow or understand the game unless you PLAY CHESS yourself, unlike poker which you can PICK up in FIVE minutes.

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There were TIMES in school where I WOULD say, 'I should GO to class.' But I could make $100 playing ONLINE poker if I didn't go.

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There are big ADVANTAGES to having a lot of CHIPS EARLY on in a poker TOURNAMENT. You can make plays that other people can't.

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POKER is just a hobby I'm PASSIONATE about. It's not SUPPOSED to bring glory.
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To the untrained EYE, POKER SEEMS deceptively EASY.

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Erik Seidel ENDED up introducing me to some of the best players in the WORLD, a few of whom also AGREED to take me on to coach me. So I had access to the best POKER minds in the world to help me study and figure things out.

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Before I found out what poker really was I had this picture in my MIND of men SMOKING cigars and having all these CHIPS and like going all macho and crazy. I don't think there's been that much done in the MAINSTREAM community to CHANGE that perspective.

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President Obama is a poker player, which the MEDIA USED as part of the NARRATIVE that he was more calculated and careful as a POLITICIAN.

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I LIKE blackjack. I like the PSYCHOLOGY of POKER.

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