Mental ILLNESS can happen to anybody. You can be a dustman, a politician, a Tesco WORKER... ANYONE. It could be your dad, your brother or your AUNT.

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Religion looms as large as an ELEPHANT in the United States, to the point that being nonreligious is about the biggest HANDICAP a POLITICIAN running for OFFICE can have, bigger than being gay, unmarried, thrice married, or black.

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A BRITISH politician who cloaks himself in the mantle of GOD is IMMEDIATELY regarded with suspicion.

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A politician's WORDS reveal less about what he THINKS about his SUBJECT than what he thinks about his AUDIENCE.

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I am NEITHER a sociologist nor a POLITICIAN. All I can do is IMAGINE for myself what the FUTURE will be LIKE.

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Bernie Sanders is the only politician who, consistently for 50 years, has TAKEN that SOCIAL justice platform into POLITICS.

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Although I come from a POLITICAL FAMILY, I consider myself a SLIGHTLY atypical politician.

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My father was a professor of political SCIENCE and ALSO a young politician FIGHTING for DEMOCRACY in Kenya, and when THINGS got ugly, he went into political exile in Mexico.

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I realized that becoming a DOCTOR, I can only help a SMALL COMMUNITY. But by becoming a POLITICIAN, I can help my whole country.

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I've never been inspired by a POLITICIAN in FRANCE, and I think a LOT of my own GENERATION think that way.

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A gaffe is when a POLITICIAN TELLS the TRUTH.

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In America, the new post-postmodern politician is all about authenticity: the daffier you are, the 'realer' you must be. The more you have committed yourself to a ridiculous IDEA and fevered VIEW, the more worthy you are of ATTENTION.

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I think politics and films are a great combination. STILL, I have the urge in me to do really good roles. But I feel isolated at times when POLITICIANS treat me LIKE a FILM star and the INDUSTRY treats me like a politician.

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I am a POLITICIAN but I am ALSO an ACTRESS and you do NEED GLAMOUR in politics.

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Every politician goes through a lean patch during which they go back to their MAIN area of EXPERTISE. Some return to business, some practice LAW, and I... have come back to cinema.

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