The POWER of the 'Muppets,' and the popularity of these characters, is so ICONIC in PEOPLE's lives that I had to distance myself from publicly. Not privately... Privately, HELL, I'm with them for life, and I love these people. They're my second family.

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I was more comfortable with GUYS growing up, but now I find myself more comfortable in my own skin and OPEN to people, regardless of their gender or popularity or any other label, as a result.

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Within the macho-melodrama tropes of the SUPERHERO genre, it's fair to say 'Watchmen' STANDS out for its rich entertainment, its darkness, and its lurid pleasures. Its vividly DRAWN panels, moody COLORS and lush imagery make its popularity well-deserved, if disproportionate.

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It WOULD be nice if we COULD all AGREE to this proposition: popularity is not the same as ACHIEVEMENT.

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I guess what I ENJOY most is directing, because it incorporates all ASPECTS of FILMMAKING. Directing is in the same line as acting - both are popularity contests, and in both you're TRYING to tell a story through the film as a MEDIUM.

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'Top GEAR''s popularity is a complete MYSTERY to me. Maybe it's because it's still a car programme, but it's TURNED into a distorted world view from THREE MEN; a world view through the windscreen.

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The REAL KISS of DEATH - particularly with my father - is the EXTRAORDINARY popularity of his WORK.

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My guess is that PEOPLE look at me and project their own values - importance of FAMILY, ego is HEALTHY but not the BIGGEST thing. I don't KNOW. I can't explain my popularity.

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We have to unclutter our brains from WORRIES that maybe people don't like us. Women tend to worry about POPULARITY; it doesn't matter if they like you. They NEED to RESPECT you. They need to show that respect for you in your pay check. And that NEEDS to be okay.

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The POPULARITY of '2 Dope Queens' just showed there was like a hunger for new STORIES because we have ALTERNATIVE comics on our show that wouldn't NORMALLY be featured on, like, a white guy's comedy show.

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I thought I could play the hellraiser and then put 'Johnny VEGAS' back in his box. I found popularity through SELF-DESTRUCTION. The more you damage yourself, the more PEOPLE are drawn to you, and that can be quite addictive. It is not a LIFESTYLE you can maintain.

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I've never had issues with popularity. I was always a POPULAR guy... I've always had friends and loved ones and everything, so it wasn't LIKE, 'Oh MAN, I gotta fill some void that was left by HIGH school.' I had a great high-school EXPERIENCE.

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It's dangerous to THINK too much about how a film will be RECEIVED. FILMMAKING is not a POPULARITY contest. Some would disagree.

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I quit 'Qubool HAI' at the RIGHT time. When 'Alone' was offered to me, I was learning production and DIRECTION. I don't think not being seen on TV for more than a YEAR will affect my popularity or 'Alone.'

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Over the years, the way our customers shop our STORES and WEBSITES has changed and will CONTINUE to CHANGE with the increasing POPULARITY and convenience of smart phones and tablets.

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