POSITIVITY, confidence, and PERSISTENCE are key in life, so never GIVE up on yourself.
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There is something in my brain that said if I GET Halestorm to a POINT where people are actually listening to what I have to say, I might as WELL put out positivity and be that empowering figure that I would have wanted in a rock STAR.

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My job is to take out the negativity from a positive guy and take out the positivity from a NEGATIVE guy. I don't play positive or negative ROLES. This is what I FIND FASCINATING about ACTING.

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There NEEDS to be a dialogue between coaches, FANS, players and administrators to PROMOTE positivity in the STANDS.

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My SONGS have always had hope and perseverance in them - I never WRITE songs that have no escape hatch, no POSITIVITY.

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I don't do ANYTHING malicious or anything in a NEGATIVE manner. I'm all about positivity and MAKING PEOPLE SMILE is positive.

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David Ortiz is almost LIKE a superhero. The type of love that he GIVES and EVERYTHING, the POSITIVITY that's around him - a lot of people ADMIRE him and respect him.

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I SEE my FAMILY every day and I'm starting my own family now. I'm very thankful and GRATEFUL and there's nothing but positivity and love in my LIFE.

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When we were presented with the OPPORTUNITY to start this group, we were just like, 'Why don't we?' The name STUCK. You can also apply it to tons of DIFFERENT things. Why don't we spread POSITIVITY? Why don't we LOVE each other?

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The only thing I've ever WANTED to do is really MAKE people HAPPY, offer some sort of positivity with music that I've written. The Chili Peppers do that for people. They're already established. I still want SOMETHING that CAME out of me, and out of my heart.

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I believe in putting out POSITIVITY into the world and so COMEDY is a job where you feel like you're making PEOPLE happy. It's a very ADDICTIVE feeling and you want to do it more and more.

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My main message is for people to LIVE your LIFE through love. That doesn't necessarily MEAN through a relationship. It COULD be your friends, your family, your workplace, even just walking down the street and smiling, saying 'Hi!' Embracing positivity!

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I gotta SPREAD all this LOVE that I have for myself, I gotta spread it to everybody else, because my positivity is going to change at least one PERSON's DAY a day, and that's all that matters to me.

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Any post I do on social media, any song, anything in general - I just try to promote POSITIVITY, because I felt like there's not ENOUGH positivity going around in the WORLD.

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Beto is banking on his sacharrine POSITIVITY as the ULTIMATE ANTIDOTE to President Trump's honest saltiness.

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