Of all the possessions of this LIFE fame is the noblest; when the BODY has sunk into the DUST the great name still LIVES.

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I wasn't always a minimalist. I used to buy a lot of things, believing that all those POSSESSIONS would increase my self-worth and lead to a happier life. I LOVED collecting a lot of useless STUFF, and I couldn't throw ANYTHING away.

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The world is more competitive and SOCIAL MEDIA DRIVES this. It's woman against woman when it comes to appearance, possessions and FRIENDSHIP CIRCLES.

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In our RICH CONSUMERS' CIVILIZATION we spin cocoons around ourselves and GET possessed by our possessions.

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MEN are not GREAT or SMALL because of their MATERIAL POSSESSIONS. They are great or small because of what they are.

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I've been slightly obsessed with paper and NOTEBOOKS. Among my most precious possessions is a small light-blue, breviary-sized volume - four-and-a-half inches WIDE, seven inches TALL - MADE by a company called Denbigh.

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POSSESSIONS aren't my raison d'etre.

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There were a LOT of negatives, of COURSE, but there were positives to LIVING a LIFE unfettered by possessions. It gave US the chance to focus on education, which was very important in the Soviet Union.

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I think I've ALWAYS been a player who's done better in the SECOND half, who's done better in the fourth quarter. That's the fun time to PLAY, when everything you've WORKED for the whole game boils down to those last few POSSESSIONS.

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Even two of HUMANITY's most intimate possessions - a SENSE of self and a BODY image - are fluid, HIGHLY modifiable creations of the BRAIN's mischievous deployment of electricity and a handful of chemicals. They both can change or be changed on less than a second's notice.

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It's people, not POSSESSIONS, that make HOME for me. It's not that I get MUCH time to entertain, or any of that, what with the television production schedule and, now, SINGING concerts all around the COUNTRY and making recordings.

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For 10 YEARS, I gave away my possessions EVERY YEAR and moved on to a new place.

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It's like people think, 'Oh you're playing LOSING basketball. You're possessions don't MATTER.' I FEEL like they matter EVEN more because that's when they're truly WATCHING if you're developing or not.

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When you feel STUCK in a hard time, jump-start a pro-change ATTITUDE by letting GO of possessions that no longer WORK for you - like old CLOTHES and old shoes.

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But you can't be POSSESSED by your POSSESSIONS. Those are just THINGS.

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