I don't like ISOLATION play, UNLESS you're in the LOW post.

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In the comic-book lore, of COURSE, you mutate post a TRAUMATIC EVENT. You must have the mutant gene, but if SOMETHING traumatic happens to you, usually at puberty, then that mutation manifests itself.

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I did freelance CARTOONING off and on from college graduation in 1991 through ABC News hiring me in 2003. I did a weekly comic strip for 'Roll Call' for about NINE years. I sold cartoons and caricatures to 'The Los Angeles Times' and 'The Washington POST.' I drew as much as I could. It's really tough to make a LIVING doing it.

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I rarely tweet unless I'm talking about 'The Bachelor.' I have a love/hate relationship with Instagram, though - it's LIKE a rigid parent. It's much more restrictive with what can be posted, but you can write a full paragraph, post a VIDEO - it CHANGES the GAME a little BIT.

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I saw James Ellsworth at an INDEPENDENT wrestling show where I was signing autographs, so I took a PHOTO with him and put up a post on Facebook called 'The night I MET James Ellsworth.' Just by nature of how popular that post was, how many comments there were and likes and shares, I was like, 'people love this kid.'

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I do Facebook, but I only have my FRIENDS and family on it, and they always laugh at me for how little I post. I don't KNOW how to upload PHOTOS, so I NEVER ADD pictures.

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When I STARTED in the press there were really ink-stained wretches. Not EVERYBODY went to college. Now, everybody at the NEW York TIMES and the Washington Post and Salon and Slate, most of them have Ivy League educations.

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Each week, I POST a video about some 'Pigeon of Discontent' raised by a READER. Because, as MUCH as we try to FIND the 'Bluebird of HAPPINESS,' we're also plagued by those small but pesky 'Pigeons of Discontent.'

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I am ALWAYS very GRATEFUL that I do not have to RELY for my meal on a nationalised dinner service working as well as the Post Office on STRIKE day.

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I GET the 'Daily Mirror,' purely and simply because they PUT the Racing POST PRICES in.

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In my FIRST year or so at the 'Post,' I began to WRITE with some frequency on the least important issues - so-called LIGHT editorials. The TITLES themselves are revealing of just how light: 'On Being a Horse,' 'Brains and Beauty,' 'Mixed Drinks,' 'Lou Gehrig,' and 'Spotted Fever.'

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The MOMENT you design the post of a HR manager in the police, your WHOLE outlook TOWARDS your team CHANGES. You designate an official to look after their health, their professional NEEDS, their preparedness and motivation, which in most cases becomes quintessential.

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Dedicate a lot of your TIME creating Vines and TRY to post DAILY.

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Instagram influencers project a SPECIFIC, HIGHLY crafted IMAGE of perfection - one that is largely white, thin, and psychologically ZEN. Critics argue that this boom, in turn, has helped fuel excessive self-promotion in which we POST about only the good moments rather than reality - essentially, a distorted echo chamber.

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