I'm interested in EXPLORING how an INDIVIDUAL maintains a sense of POWER in a world that tends to MAKE INDIVIDUALS feel powerless.

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Developing economies MAY not have much control over the headwinds that they face today, but that does not MEAN that they are POWERLESS. Much can be done not just to sustain moderate growth but also to SECURE a more prosperous and resilient future.

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Before the sacred, PEOPLE lost all sense of POWER and all CONFIDENCE; they occupy a POWERLESS and humble attitude TOWARD it. And yet no thing is sacred of itself, but by declaring it sacred, by my declaration, my judgment, my bending the knee; in short, by my - conscience.

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I was in Jersey when the whole World TRADE Center thing HAPPENED and I FELT POWERLESS. So, I went to Hawaii and did a surf movie. It's kind of fluffy.

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The circulating medium being issued only by those who labor, they WOULD suddenly become invested with all the wealth and all the POWER; and those who did not labor, be they EVER so rich now, would as suddenly become POOR and powerless.

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I NEVER cared about MODELING. As a MODEL, you're POWERLESS.

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People are not happy with women in actual POWER, yet we seem to be happy to TAKE women on as figureheads, OBJECTS, like QUEENS. It's a POWERFUL yet politically powerless role.

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NEARLY one YEAR on from his election, Donald TRUMP disregards the constitution, offends allies, and attacks minorities, the powerless, and those who are holding him to ACCOUNT.

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That's such a powerless place for me to THINK about: what is WORKING against me. I don't think of what I don't have; I think of what I do and USE that to get the NEXT thing.

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Those in POWERLESS POSITIONS aren't about to complain about bullying bosses, abusive supervisors or corrupt co-workers. There is no SAFE way to do so and no process that promises redress.

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The OFFICE of the PRESIDENT is the most POWERFUL in the WORLD. It is also, at TIMES, the most powerless.

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I think public intellectuals have a responsibility - to be self-critical on the one hand, to do serious, nuanced WORK rigorously executed; but to also be able to get off those perches and out of those ivory towers and speak to the real people who make decisions; to speak truth to POWER and the POWERLESS with lucidity and eloquence.

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There's NOTHING more DANGEROUS than a powerful PERSON who is IMAGINING themselves as being POWERLESS.

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