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I don't COME from a SPACE where I gush and PRAISE - the WORLD is doing ENOUGH of that.

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I see some fighters lose very badly, but STILL they get more praise or they're not OVERRATED. They're just GOOD fighters in a lot of people's eyes. But I feel like one loss with KING Mo, it made me a very bad fighter somehow.

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The pat on the back, the arm around the SHOULDER, the PRAISE for what was done RIGHT and the sympathetic nod for what wasn't are as MUCH a part of golf as life itself.

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A new PHILOSOPHY generally MEANS in practice the praise of some OLD VICE.

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For years, fiscally CONSERVATIVE advocacy groups were giving then-Republican representative Justin Amash awards, praise, and donations. Now that he's an independent, HOWEVER, many of those same groups are snubbing him entirely.

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Just PRAISE is not ENOUGH; you've got to GET work to survive.

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It's always nice to be praised, and insofar as a PRIZE is a form of praise, you're GLAD when you GET it.

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2015 was SIMULTANEOUSLY the year in which I consumed the most popcorn of my LIFE and the year in which I received the most PRAISE from my DENTIST.

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You can't know who you are UNLESS you know where you CAME from and GIVE PRAISE to those who laid the foundation.

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My father would tell me my defects but never praise me to my FACE. The GOOD THINGS about me he would only tell OTHERS when I wasn't around.

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It is one THING to PRAISE DISCIPLINE, and ANOTHER to submit to it.

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The PRAISE that comes from love does not make US vain, but more HUMBLE.

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To SAY of a PICTURE, as is OFTEN SAID in its praise, that it shows GREAT and earnest labour, is to say that it is incomplete and unfit for view.

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I never dreamed we would be on television at all, much LESS for such a LONG time and with so much praise for KEEPING a THOUGHT provoking show on the air. And best of all, we were ABLE to do what we do and still have all our fingers and toes.

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