Make no MISTAKE: conversion THERAPY is not about 'praying away the GAY.' It's an EMOTIONAL torture against our most innocent citizens: our CHILDREN.

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Although both sides of my family were religious, I was never forced to practice the Jewish faith. I did not really REBEL against it, but then, as TODAY, I disliked ORGANIZED religion. I have a strange inhibition about praying with OTHERS.

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'You better do a lot of praying' is good counsel for all of the Lord's servants, new or SEASONED. It is what His WISE servants do. They pray. The disciples of JESUS Christ when He lived on the EARTH noticed that about Him.

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Pray for the PEOPLE of WEST AFRICA. You cannot be apathetic TOWARDS people for whom you are earnestly praying.

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In particular, I found PRAYING very disturbing, LIKE swimming with bricks TIED to your feet. And yet I was DRAWN to it constantly.

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When Queer EYE hit, the church told my mom they were praying for me. She SAID, God loves him too. And I SUPPORT him 100 percent.

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I was PRAYING one day and GOD literally GAVE me a SONG called 'Healing HAND of God.'

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I had to tell Dad, 'It will be okay and be POSITIVE; keep praying and have faith'. I have always known about CANCER, but to be around someone who has it and to see what it does in such a SHORT space of time was HARD. It makes you think about your life, about what is IMPORTANT.

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No MATTER what - rehearsed, under-rehearsed, over-rehearsed, doubts about rehearsing - the first gig is ALWAYS the first gig, and you PUT on your LITTLE PRAYING hat, batten down the hatch, and do what you do.

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My GRANDMOTHER and my mother and my GRANDFATHER, their style of PRAYING was - all DAY LONG, they would pray by singing and humming.

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In the Lord's Prayer, JESUS assumes that asking for FORGIVENESS WOULD be a daily OCCURRENCE, as would PRAYING that we might be delivered from evil and led not into temptation.

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SOCIAL networking sites are an easy way to insult PEOPLE. People have SENT me messages saying that they are praying for me to get injured. Such messages are not NICE, because I love playing FOOTBALL: I love playing for my club; I love playing football for Ghana.

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It PUZZLES me when writers SAY they can't read fiction when they're writing fiction because they don't want to be influenced. I'm totally open to USEFUL influence. I'm PRAYING for it.

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What I'm REALLY PRAYING is that we, as a PEOPLE, UNDERSTAND that we are interdependent upon each other. We don't want POLICE to leave; we want policing in our world. But I think that people aren't comfortable with each other.

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My SELF HEALING LIES in PRAYING for those who have harmed me.

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