I am in no way DIFFERENT from anyone else, that my predicament, my sense of aloneness or isolation MAY be PRECISELY what unites me with everyone.

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A TRAGIC situation exists precisely when VIRTUE does not triumph but when it is STILL felt that man is nobler than the FORCES which destroy him.

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I believe that literature ALWAYS GOES precisely there where the damage to a PERSON has been done.

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The face of a lover is an UNKNOWN, precisely because it is invested with so much of oneself. It is a mystery, containing, like all MYSTERIES, the POSSIBILITY of torment.

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I have been a WOMAN for FIFTY YEARS, and I've never yet been able to DISCOVER PRECISELY what it is I am.

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In precisely the same way MONEY is OFTEN HIRED, and the hire paid for the use of it is called INTEREST.

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One of the FIRST things I learned in the Marine Corps is that any military MISSION has to be DEFINED as precisely as you can possibly define it, and then you size the force and equipment force to ACCOMPLISH that mission without fail.

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Superman is precisely what we should be TEACHING our CHILDREN. Superman INSPIRES us to our BEST.

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Playwriting is the last GREAT bastion of the individual writer. It's EXCITING precisely because it's where the money isn't. Money goes to safety, to consensus. It's not INDIVIDUALISM.

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The wild open-market THEORY that died in 1929 had a RUN of just over thirty years. Communism, a complete melding of religious, economic, and global theories, stretched to seventy years in Russia and forty-five years in CENTRAL EUROPE, thanks precisely to the intensive use of MILITARY and police force.

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Stan is a RESCUE Chihuahua MIX. He was the role model for Bob, the DOG in 'Ivan.' The DRAWINGS in the book look precisely like Stan.

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Optimization tells US precisely how to diversify the portfolio, WHETHER I should have 12% in semiconductors or 4% in BIOTECH, etc., and it literally tells me how to diversify not only the INDUSTRY GROUPS but the stocks.

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That's PRECISELY what we do as actors: TRY to convince the audience we are SOMEBODY ELSE. And if you can do that, you are really doing SOMETHING.

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If, as is certainly the CASE, CAPITALISM cannot do without nationality, that is precisely why accelerating and intensifying the deterritorializing, de-ethnicizing and anti-national impulses WITHIN (but inhibited by) capitalism constitutes an anti-capitalist strategy.

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No GROUP and no government can properly prescribe PRECISELY what should constitute the body of KNOWLEDGE with which true education is CONCERNED.

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