It's hard to pick out a single team, because there are so many big games here in the Premier League, obviously there are the TOP teams like Liverpool, City, CHELSEA, I THINK those big games, the 'big six' are ALWAYS good. We always LOOK forward to them, we all want to be on the pitch and to win them.

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Michael Carrick HELPS me a LOT day-to-day. We always talk and he tries to HELP me with my positioning on the FIELD. He's SOMEONE who always talks to me, which is important for adapting my football to the Premier League.

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In the Premier League it is difficult, the midfield is very congested; there is a lot of PRESSURE and the game is very FAST. So it's hard for you to spend a lot of TIME with the ball; you have to be very fast, you have to think LONG before the ball reaches you.

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Gilberto is a top GUY and his advice means a lot to me. He played in the same position as I do and he won the Premier League, so I LOOK to him for inspiration, I listen to what he has to SAY and I TAKE on board what he tells me.

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There is a common mistake people make. They SAY, 'We need to play the young English boys.' Of course, but only if they are good. How can you MEASURE that? If they are PLAYING with good players and if they can fit into the LEVEL of the good players. That's why, because of the level of the Premier League, England has so many talented players.

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Coaching for tackles? That's something you do with seven-year-olds, when you SHOW them how to STAND and when to MAKE a block. It is one of the basics of the GAME. No Premier League MANAGER needs to coach it.

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I ABSOLUTELY LOVE PLAYING in Europe. The Premier League is fantastic, but once you get a TASTE for it, it's the place to be.

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My family are all Leeds fans, they always TELL me about the TIMES when Leeds were in the Premier League.

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Premier League clubs have a LOT of money, that's why they're strong and have a lot of GOOD PLAYERS.

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There are MANY Brazilians STANDING out in the Premier LEAGUE.

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If, just because it's the Premier League, I started trying to play the SIMPLE PASS instead of trying the HARDER pass, that is not the type of person I am, to be honest.

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The FIRST few SEASONS, I was just GETTING USED to the Premier LEAGUE.

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