People and NATIONS wither AWAY without the FREEDOM to QUESTION what is PRESENTED to them as the truth.

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The AUDIENCE too should be respected by being PRESENTED with a film as they remember it, and for those who have not SEEN it, as it was intended to be seen. ANYTHING less is a degradation of the film and its audience.

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SIMPLICITY can have a negative IMPACT when it's the crude reduction of nuances beyond APPRECIATION: a Matisse presented as a 16-color GIF.
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Ordinarily, when you GO to see a PLAY, an awful lot is presented in FRONT of your eyes.

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I first became AWARE of the delights of the natural world when my father, an entomologist, presented me with what looked like a TWIG. When it got up and WALKED, my DELIGHT was such that I WROTE a poem, 'To a Walking Stick.'

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My biggest word of advice that I could give to people that are dealing with a home renovation or decoration is to not think about design as it's been PRESENTED to you before. I think everybody needs to START DESIGNING based on the moments they imagine having in their home and that is what has guided me as a decorator.

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I don't KNOW how Frank presented the OLD Mothers, since I never read the BOOK. There MIGHT be some opinions on what he said, but I - or anyone else - could not make any corrections to anything Frank did.

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My mother named me after her favorite actor, Joel McCrea, and dressed and presented me as her avatar. I'm SURE she WANTED to be a PERFORMER, but when that was IMPOSSIBLE, I was her next best shot.

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John Conyers' office has been very responsive to citizen concerns and the INTERNET has PRESENTED a WAY to COMMUNICATE with them in a way that's NEVER before been there.

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It's very ECLECTIC, the way one chooses subjects in the movie BUSINESS, especially in the COMMERCIAL movie business. You need to develop material yourself or material is presented to you as an ASSIGNMENT to direct.

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I had the OPPORTUNITY to GO up to New York and be on the 'Inside Amy Schumer' SHOW with Michael Strahan and Vernon Davis and those guys. That was an opportunity that presented itself, and it was something different and fun. I had a great TIME. Those guys are really good dudes, and she's obviously incredibly talented.

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What I THINK ECW PRESENTED was a big opportunity for a LOT of WWE SUPERSTARS. Definitely me. It revitalized my entire career when I MOVED to ECW.

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There's no excuse, it's just an opportunity that presented in a limited WAY and that HAPPENED and as SOON as the press RANG me I didn't deny it I just said 'that's it' and I had to go home and explain it.

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You SEE a lot of guys who are told they will be the number one contender if they win the fight in FRONT of them. They have fought a couple of really tough guys to get there, but when the CHANCE is presented to them, something happens in some shape or FORM, and they aren't able to take it. They end up losing. That was the biggest FEAR for me.

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