Until fairly recently, Amish teachers would reprimand the student who raised his or her hand as being too individualistic. CALLING attention to oneself, or being 'prideful,' is one of the cardinal Amish worries. Having your name or PHOTO in the papers, even TALKING to the press, is ALMOST a sin.

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You can't ASK the PRESS to service you with everything that they have and not expect some of the other stuff in RETURN if you're going to live your LIFE LIKE I have.

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I need music. It's like my heartbeat, so to SPEAK. It keeps me GOING no matter what's going on - bad GAMES, press, whatever!

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I don't EVEN LIKE being quoted in a PRESS RELEASE.

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The only time I EVER really consider retiring is when I GET fed up with the PRESS. Which is OFTEN.

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The ladder of SUCCESS in Hollywood is usually a press agent, ACTOR, director, producer, leading man; and you are a STAR if you sleep with each of them in that order. Crude, but true.

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PRESIDENTS HATE the PRESS. They hate me most of the TIME.
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