I spend most of hunting season at the RANCH. We all LOVE to hunt whitetails, and we have a PRETTY good supply in South Texas. I also love to hunt elk in ARIZONA, mule deer in Utah, and I've been to Canada to hunt caribou.
My second record I USED a producer, which was frustrating in a way, because I think a LOT of the punky spirit and PROVOCATIVE nature of the lyrics didn't come ACROSS - the music was PRETTY.
My style is pretty clean, CLASSIC, and elegant, with some elements to make it a little funkier. If you SEE me on a normal DAY, I'm usually in a T-shirt and JEANS, MAYBE with some cool sneakers, but I'm pretty basic.
If your diet is dialed in, you can train in a PRETTY subpar manner and still GET passable results. On the other hand, if your TRAINING is fantastic but your diet is crap, you have a harder road AHEAD of you.