Medicare should be ALLOWED to NEGOTIATE with drug companies for lower PRICES on prescriptions.

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CAUSE and effect, the RIDDLE of all history, is a particular devil in financial history; and never more so than today, where entire CLASSES of SECURITY are collapsing not on public exchanges and stock-tickers but because there are no markets to establish prices this SIDE of nothing.

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One common way of judging WHETHER housing's price is in line with its FUNDAMENTAL value is to CONSIDER the ratio of housing prices to rents. This is analogous to the ratio of prices to DIVIDENDS for STOCKS.

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The STATUS QUO on PRESCRIPTION drug prices is deeply BROKEN and unsustainable.

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Clear PRICES force health CARE providers and insurers to lower their rates to ATTRACT customers - LIKE their counterparts in the rest of the ECONOMY.

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The WORST time was in 1985 when HOUSE prices CRASHED and interest rates went up to 14 percent. I was not winning on the snooker table and I had this big image to keep up - and a LIFESTYLE where I lived beyond my means.

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Our health care system is the finest in the WORLD, but we still have too MANY uninsured Americans, too HIGH prices for PRESCRIPTION drugs, and too many FRIVOLOUS lawsuits driving our physicians out of state or out of business.

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Don't go into any store that features shopping BAGS that can STAND on their own accord in the middle of a table. This sort of shopping bag denotes prices that will start chipping into your CHILDREN's COLLEGE education fund. AVOID it.

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There are no issues more personal than prescription drugs and the HIGH PRICES Americans must PAY to get the MEDICINE they need.

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When I lived in India, I'd speak LIKE an Indian to GET GOOD prices while shopping. I'm good with ACCENTS.

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Land values are going up a LOT in SYDNEY, but it's feasible to BUILD because prices are going up, too.

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When you have more COMPETITION, you have BETTER PRODUCTS and LOWER PRICES.

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While the surfeit of cheap calories that the U.S. food system has produced since the LATE 1970S MAY have taken food prices off the political agenda, this has come at a steep cost to PUBLIC health.

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Exporting oil would not drive up prices at the pump. American drivers BUY refined products, which the U.S. already exports. MANY studies - from a range of institutions and government agencies, INCLUDING the Congressional Budget OFFICE and the Energy Information Administration - have shown that lifting the EXPORT ban could actually lower gas prices.

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