It is a PARADOX that as we reach out PRIME, we ALSO SEE there is a place where it finishes.

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I loathe all POLITICAL PARTIES, which I REGARD as INVENTIONS of the DEVIL. My favourite prime minister was Sir Alec Douglas-Home, not because he was on the Right, but because he spent a year in office without, on his own admission, doing a damned thing.

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Tony Blair is not just the WORST prime MINISTER we've EVER had, but by far the worst prime minister we've ever had. It makes my blood boil to THINK of the British soldiers who've died for that little LIAR.

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I flew a full STRING of 35 COMBAT missions over some of the most heavily defended targets in Europe. We were hitting Hitler's oil refineries, his tank factories, his aircraft factories, his RAILWAY yards. Those were our prime targets.

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Other prime ministers LEAVE OFFICE and STAY in London. I have come BACK with my whole family to Fife. This is where they are being brought up. It is better for them and better for me. It's great to see more of the KIDS.

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When you have a prime minister who is corrupt, then you can be sure that a COUNTRY cannot be anything ELSE but corrupt.

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One can dismiss the Prime MINISTER of India most easily. All that is NECESSARY is for PARLIAMENT to pass a VOTE of no-confidence.

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Religion is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT in this DEMOCRACY - so important that it occupies a prime position in the BILL of Rights.

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The Prime MINISTER of INDIA, at a meeting that I co-chaired a few months ago, stated that any DEVELOPMENT that is not SUSTAINABLE is not development.

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Industrialisation is necessary. But acquisition is by no MEANS the only avenue through which it can be achieved. The Cochin AIRPORT is a prime example of this. Instead of CHOOSING to acquire the land, the State asked the private parties to negotiate with the landowners DIRECTLY. The State merely acted as an arbitrator.

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I'm going to say yes, I reckon we'll have the FIRST BME (black or MINORITY ETHNICITY) PRIME MINISTER.

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Till now I have never shot a scene WITHOUT taking account of what stands behind the actors because the relationship between PEOPLE and their surroundings is of PRIME IMPORTANCE.

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When I was a small child, I partially learned to READ with comics, in particular with 'Scamp,' about the Lady and the TRAMP's male child. That was the prime COMIC that made me fall in LOVE with comics as a kid.

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Political risk is hard to manage because so much comes down to the PERSONAL CHOICES of policymakers, whether PRIME ministers or heads of CENTRAL banks.

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It is a SAD day for FOOTBALL when a player about to enter his prime moves for FINANCIAL reasons and NOTHING else.

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