When you're producing, you're REALLY just MAKING a SERIES of DECISIONS.

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My SOLE focus is producing the best TEAM POSSIBLE for England.

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I wouldn't MIND producing a movie with a MUSIC storyline, but ACTING in one is too CLOSE to HOME.

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It doesn't MATTER MUCH where your company sits in its industry ecosystem, nor how vertically or horizontally integrated it is - what matters is its RELATIVE 'share of CUSTOMER value' in the final PRODUCT or solution, and its cost of producing that value.

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If CHINA wants to spend $10 producing a product and sell it for a buck, who benefits from that? I THINK we do. I'm the free MARKET GUY. I think free markets WORK.

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In the '80s the BAND was 24/7. You were only as good as what you were producing at any given moment. Now my family is more important. I also think having the shock of your MUM and DAD DYING humbles you slightly.

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ULTIMATELY, if we can DEVELOP enough players, the BALANCE of FOREIGN players isn't GREAT, but that's because we're not producing enough players.

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I WOULD LIKE to SHIFT more into WRITING for and producing PEOPLE.

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Producing in-depth, THOUGHTFUL, well-reported JOURNALISM is DIFFICULT and EXPENSIVE.

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One of the BIGGEST differences between you and a traditionally published author is that a self-pubbed author is responsible for everything. Not just writing the BOOK - but COVER DESIGN, editing, producing, DISTRIBUTION, and publicity as well.

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I grew up at NBC and started there RIGHT out of college. I learned producing and booking. I was on MSNBC, 'Today' and 'Nightly.' I knew everyone from every level of the COMPANY. That was a comfort level. I had a PERSONAL relationship with a lot of the editorial LEADERSHIP there. It wasn't easy to LEAVE.

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MUSIC is where I have the most creative freedom, but I love producing. To me, that's kind of where all the ACTION is. You get a chance to have your HANDS in every aspect of a film. From picking a director, SOMETIMES picking a writer, to the actors, the wardrobe, set design, editing, music, and marketing.

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I've always wanted to have the ability to do what I want to do. And there are so MANY things that I want to do because I love acting, I love DIRECTING, I love producing, I love being a MOTHER, I love being a wife. If I had to choose one, just would put me in the CRAZY HOUSE.

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I think Prince should OPEN up a little more to other ARTISTS. Just because we LOVE Prince. Especially the old stuff - we love him to death. But if he opened up he WOULD be something to deal with. Imagine Kanye West producing a Prince TRACK? It would be banoodles!

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