The shift in demand is toward partners that can IMPROVE productivity, and in part, that can be DONE by SOFTWARE.

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In a sensibly organised society, if you IMPROVE productivity, there is room for EVERYBODY to BENEFIT.

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PRODUCTIVITY gains are vital to long-term GROWTH because they typically translate into higher incomes, in turn boosting DEMAND. That process takes time, of course - especially if, SAY, the initial recipients of increased INCOME already have a high savings rate.

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PEOPLE don't value strongly enough how much time they spend in the OFFICE. Imagine you could work with people you LOVE - wouldn't work be GREAT and staff turnover be lower? And your productivity HIGHER?

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Human activity is having a major impact on the planet. We consume or have diverted a large proportion of the PRODUCTIVITY of the land and oceans. Our HUNGER for land crowds out fellow species. Our waste PRODUCTS pollute the waters, WARM the ATMOSPHERE and acidify the oceans.

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From a productivity PERSPECTIVE, prioritization is KEY. And it's very EASY to focus on clearing the decks of minutia, especially when one's very busy.

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What FARMERS GAIN most of all from the increase in agricultural PRODUCTIVITY, of COURSE, is CHOICE.

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We must SPEED up the deployment of broadband in order to bring high-speed data services to homes and businesses. The spread of information TECHNOLOGY has contributed to a steady GROWTH in U.S. productivity.

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In economies with EXCESS productive capacity, targeted investment can yield a double benefit, generating short-run DEMAND and boosting GROWTH and productivity thereafter.

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PROPERLY targeted public investment can do much to boost economic performance, generating AGGREGATE DEMAND quickly, fueling productivity growth by improving HUMAN CAPITAL, encouraging technological innovation, and spurring private-sector investment by increasing returns.

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You don't have a very motivated WORKING class, it starts to AFFECT the dynamics of the ECONOMY. If workers are disenchanted and disenfranchised, PRODUCTIVITY losses will GO along with that.

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In TERMS of productivity - that is, how much a worker PRODUCES in an hour - there's little difference between the U.S., FRANCE, and Germany. But SINCE more people work in America, and since they work so many more hours, Americans create more WEALTH.

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In America, you keep on HEARING productivity is low; secular stagnation, it's a new normal. It's just not true: We've had multiple wars; we're not educating our kids. We had GOVERNMENT shut downs, badly-spent money, failures in the HEALTH system, failures and an extreme AMOUNT of regulation - that's why we're going slow.

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The YEARS after 50 can be a TIME of great productivity, meaningful WORK, pleasure, creativity, and INNOVATION. It's a huge OPPORTUNITY.

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PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH, however it occurs, has a disruptive side to it. In the short TERM, most things that contribute to productivity growth are very painful.

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