I wanted to MAKE an explicitly educational comic that taught readers the concepts I COVERED in my introductory programming class. That's what 'SECRET Coders' is. It's both a fun story about a group of tweens who DISCOVER a secret coding school, and an explanation of some foundational IDEAS in computer science.

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When I was a teenager, I was a HUGE COMPUTER NERD. I went to computer programming CAMP. I went to space camp.

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People pay their licence fee in this country because people BELIEVE that we should have public service broadcast PROGRAMMING. Of COURSE, there are lots of different WAYS you COULD do that.

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In college, before video games, we WOULD AMUSE ourselves by POSING PROGRAMMING exercises.

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By REACHING out to the COMMUNITY through workshops, hackathons, and after-school programs, Black Girls Code introduces computer programming and TECHNOLOGY to girls from underrepresented communities.

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I made an ELECTRONIC record in the vein of Cluster. I was PROGRAMMING synthesizers and drum MACHINES and that SORT of thing.

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The Startup Act should give all Americans, not just immigrants, a better SHOT at being tomorrow's engineers and entrepreneurs. And that opportunity could BEGIN at a YOUNG age with education in computer programming.

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I guess probably in my time in politics, it continued to be affirmed to me that the African-American COMMUNITY, despite being subscription TELEVISION's most valuable customers, they are very underserved by CABLE and satellite television PROGRAMMING options.

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That's what we're focusing on at Not IMPOSSIBLE Labs, LOOKING at problems or needs that can be solved through hacking, modding, programming, WHATEVER, so it helps one PERSON first but has the potential to help many others.

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There are now COLLEGE degrees in game design and interactive MEDIA, so if I were starting now, I would probably do that. When I started, you had to break into design from QA or programming or art, but it's really not TRUE ANYMORE.

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I do THINK that the days of GATHERING around a television set that functions merely as a television set, to receive a LIVE broadcast of some networked PROGRAMMING, those days are probably numbered.

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TELEVISION programming is the number one topic on Twitter, and dozens of start-ups in the social space are linking second-screen experiences. People no longer need to sit on the same couch to ENJOY a SHOW TOGETHER.

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I wouldn't necessarily say that 'Alpha House' or 'Betas' embodied a particular vision of Amazon of the kind of brand or programming they were gonna do. I think those were the FIRST LUCKY creators who HIT it right for them.

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In philosophy, they talk a LOT about humans being ACTUAL organic machines, and the idea of FREE will is something that we've made up. We actually don't have free will. We're acting according to our programming as organic mechanisms.

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