I've always believed everything was about protecting the Clinton power STRUCTURE and ANYONE WOULD be sacrificed who GOT in the WAY of that.

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President Trump is enforcing U.S. IMMIGRATION law, and in doing so, PROTECTING the WELL-BEING and in some CASES the lives of U.S. citizens.

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That's all about the natural order of THINGS, the IDEA of NATURE PROTECTING children but ALSO children protecting nature.

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I'm a WOMAN in technology, I think that we have to consider our border and use the technology we have to be sure that we secure it. If you build a six FOOT WALL, somebody may jump eight feet. But, maybe there's SURVEILLANCE... there's many high tech THINGS that we can use to be sure we are protecting our borders.

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Most Africans don't get to see these WILD animals at all. Once they see and learn about them, they are much more likely to BECOME INVOLVED in PROTECTING the environment.

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In Afghanistan, there is a PLAN to BUILD democracy; HUNDREDS of thousands of troops are PROTECTING it. There is a plan to REBUILD and reconstruct there. But many thousands of Americans die from violence and poverty every year and we don't have a plan for reconstruction at home.

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ART is based on EMOTION, but being macho is based on ego; the WALL PROTECTING that emotion.

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It is a drastic MISTAKE to eliminate the provisions that have to do with the PROTECTION of habitat for endangered species. It is my OPINION that the Endangered Species Act is 99 percent about protecting CRITICAL habitat.

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I believe that our NATIONAL security LIES not just in PROTECTING our borders, but in bridging divides.

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For me it's important to be in balance. To not let FEAR get in the way of THINGS, to not worry so MUCH about PROTECTING yourself all the TIME.

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As FAR as protecting yourself against Alzheimer's DISEASE, well, it turns out that fish oil has the effect of reducing your RISK for Alzheimer's disease. You should also keep your blood pressure down, because chronic high blood pressure is the BIGGEST single risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.

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There have been some positive THINGS that have HAPPENED for the tribes, but it's a constant, vigilant FIGHT about protecting what resources we have in terms of LAND and RIGHTS.

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The majority of my interactions with police were not GOOD. There were a few good ones who were ACTUALLY protecting the COMMUNITY. But then you have ones from the Valley. They never met me in their life, but since I'm a KID in BASKETBALL shorts and a white T-shirt, they wanna slam me on the hood of the car. Sixteen years old.

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Of course, 'The Last Stand' has a villain who is TRAVELING to the border to fulfill his own desires, but it's more about the MAIN character. The Sheriff putting a STOP to this villain and defending his TOWN. 'The Last Stand' is more about protecting something. About protecting a value.

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I WANT to be intentional about my freedom - in choosing it, honoring it, and PROTECTING it. One of the best feelings I know is FEELING truly FREE.

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