There are many WAYS of SHOWING your protest and discontent without the actions of Kremlin.

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In the '60s, when I was growing up, one of the great elements of American culture was the protest song. There were SONGS about the civil RIGHTS movement, the women's rights movement, the antiwar movement. It wasn't just Bob Dylan, it was EVERYBODY at the TIME.

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It will be WRITTEN on my tombstone in very LARGE letters, 'Here LIES Hikaru Sulu,' and in very TINY letters, 'aka George Takei.' I don't protest the inevitable.

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We can't forget what HAPPENED on May 4th, 1970, when four students gave up their lives because they had the American CONSTITUTIONAL right of peaceful protest. They gave up their lives. And to SING that song in that SPOT on that anniversary was very emotional for us.

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Dada was an EXTREME PROTEST against the physical SIDE of painting. It was a METAPHYSICAL attitude.

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The HARDEST SONG to WRITE is a PROTEST song, a topical song with MEANING.

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Altho that is so, Ireland has always DENIED and Ireland STILL denies that the Union was binding upon her EITHER legally or morally. And here on this historic OCCASION we have assembled to renew our protest and to PLACE it upon record.

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Protest THEATER has a PLACE again. It's not against whites or apartheid. It is against INJUSTICE and anything that fails our PEOPLE.

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In the FIELD of OUTDOOR SPORTS, the American boy is easily capable of devising his own amusements, and until some proof is adduced that baseball is not his invention, I PROTEST against this systematic EFFORT to rob him of his dues.

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Make no mistake: Deciding to abstain from the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE does COMMUNICATE SOMETHING, and therefore, it is a form of speech. It's also a form of peaceful PROTEST, the right to which is another one of our values.

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If people want to protest, to get out there and EXPRESS themselves, as LONG as they do it peacefully, they should be encouraged to do so.

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There's a time where PEOPLE were out holding POSTERS in protest outside shows I was doing, and thankfully, we've moved PAST that. And a lot of country stations wouldn't PLAY me. They were more conservative than I was.

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I had hoped you WOULD PROTEST, but PLEASE don't ARGUE.

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People might not PROTEST for overtly POLITICAL or social CAUSES, but when they can't feed themselves and their family, they will TAKE to the streets.

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