During my teens and early 20s, I PROVED to be ANYTHING but what most people expected Billy Graham's son to be. I'm so THANKFUL he never gave up on me or quit LOVING me.
I learned through his DEATH that, hey, life is SHORT. You think you're going to LIVE to be 75 years of age, and Brian PROVED that you're not going to live that LONG.
HAPPINESS, contentment, the health and GROWTH of the soul, depend, as men have PROVED over and over again, upon some simple ISSUE, some single TURNING of the soul.
I am bound to ADD that the EXCESS in too little has EVER proved in me more DANGEROUS than the excess in too much; the last MAY cause indigestion, but the first causes death.
But certainly the laser proved to be what I realized it was going to be. At that MOMENT in my life I was too IGNORANT in business LAW to be able to do it right, and if I did it over again probably the same damn thing would HAPPEN.
For 30 years since the liger has been in EXISTENCE, EVERYONETHOUGHT they were sterile. But we paired a baby liger and a baby white tiger male six years ago and CAME up with the first tiliger. That PROVED female ligers weren't sterile.